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Trip: Europe 2008

There are [32] stories from my trip: Europe 2008

Wonderful, wet, welcoming Scotland

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 14 Mar 2008 | Views [648]

Hi to all - Things are great here; here being Teen Ranch Scotland, just outside of Dundee - Scotland.  The place my sister and I are staying at is a Christian outreach ministry, and I'm loving the Bible times and the Christian atmosphere.  It's amazing ... Read more >


ITALY | Friday, 7 Mar 2008 | Views [652]

Yesterday morning we woke up to a snowy gale: roaring winds, furling snow and freezing temperatures... The snowflakes completely covered the ground and it was so wet that instead of digging or pruning, EmJ and I rode in the tractor scoop and hauled stones.... Read more >

Tags: snow

Casualità, or as they say in Inglese, Randomness...

ITALY | Wednesday, 5 Mar 2008 | Views [603]

1. Chickens are evil... But roosters with their tails blowing backwards are hilarious! 2. Tuscan sun and snow on the same day - ??? Very cool. Literally! 3. The Flight of the Street Vendors. Will explain in a bit.     ù.ù 4. Cheese ... Read more >

Tags: sightseeing

1 Day in the Life of an Italian WWOOFer

ITALY | Wednesday, 27 Feb 2008 | Views [2149] | Comments [2]

Ciao All - EmJ here! b. gave you all an uber long update about our general travel info yesterday, so I thought I'd update you all with a more detailed run down of our day. Today started early - 4:30 to be exact!! Those projectors-of-all-evil-&... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

More of Italy - a migration to Tuscany

ITALY | Tuesday, 26 Feb 2008 | Views [589]

Yes, Tuscany... I am loving the Tuscany hills where we are currently nestled. The farm we moved to from Orte is much larger (a 100 acres approx. compared to about 5) and much more serious as this is their only livelyhood. ... Read more >

Tags: culture

Italy in a week

ITALY | Friday, 22 Feb 2008 | Views [982]

No, we are not doing Italy in a week, we've just been in Italy for a week. How is it you may ask? Well, here's the thing - I don't really know. The scenery all around us at the moment is breath-taking. There are old stone houses built and lived ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Markets ahoy!

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 10 Feb 2008 | Views [546]

You'd think after doing the Temple Street Markets, and the Ladies Markets in Hong Kong we'd be sick of markets and shopping in general...  But no.  This morning EmJ and I headed out to the Portabello Road Markets.  They where different - everything was ... Read more >

Tags: shopping


UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 9 Feb 2008 | Views [842]

Transcontinental - don't ask me what it means exactly, but in this case I'm applying it to the plane trip EmJ and I took last night.  *yawn*  After we had said our goodbyes to Hong Kong(the city on which I have bestowed the title "City of Paradoxes"... Read more >

Tags: philosophy of travel

Growing on me - like the plum trees in the shops.

HONG KONG | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Views [783]

I am happy to announce to one and all that Hong Kong is officially growing on me... Tired and 'disillusioned' as I was regarding this bustling city, its slowly growing on me.  The food is great, really tasty, and resonable if you look around. And ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Tired, Bewildered and Wet!

HONG KONG | Tuesday, 5 Feb 2008 | Views [920]

Hola to all and sundry! We've finally made it! EmJ and I saw (flew over really) the Northen Territory, the Phillipines and the Equator. So Hong Kong. It's wet (at the moment) busy, crowded, dirty (and we mean FLITHY dirty), smelly (ugh- the polution) ... Read more >

Tags: Markets

The next leg of The Beginning

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 2 Feb 2008 | Views [524]

So we are now in Sydney.  This is where we depart from to head to Hong Kong.  We leave on the Monday at 4:00pm.  You know what was funny - my friends were more excited for our trip than I was.  I don't know - maybe it was just too unreal; after all, ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

The Beginning

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 29 Jan 2008 | Views [438]

Testing... One, two, three; sound check- is this thing on? Well, we haven't left yet so there really is no point doing an exhustive post. But I will say this - stuffing your life for six months into one pack (one and a bit if you count the removable ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

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