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Trippin' Around


ITALY | Friday, 7 March 2008 | Views [654]

Yesterday morning we woke up to a snowy gale: roaring winds, furling snow and freezing temperatures... The snowflakes completely covered the ground and it was so wet that instead of digging or pruning, EmJ and I rode in the tractor scoop and hauled stones. Shalom, the dog, rode in the scoop with us and it was amusing to watch him trying to balance on the quivering metal that slanted at a perpendicular angle.

Today as the Tuscan tempest continued, we dug fertilizer into the ground around the base of the fruit trees as it had stoped snowing long enough for the harsh winds to dry out the ground. As I am typing this, however, the snow has resumed. It's soo cold! EmJ and I figure that after this we can survive anything Scotland weather can throw at us. Speaking of Scotland, EmJ and I are quite astounded to find that this Monday brings us to a month and a week since we left Australia.

On one hand it seems like forever, so when we find out that it's been only a little while, it's kind of weird. We are looking forwards to our change in scenery - we have immensely enjoyed our time so far and are positive that better things can only be in store! We plan to visit Aberdeen and the family castle (Yes, our ancestors are Scottish - we have relatives living in Aberdeen), and I'd like to go see the 'Great Wall' (that being the wall the Romans built to keep out the wild Picts, back when the Irish where Scotti and the Scotts where Picts... Go figure.).

As well as that we are planning to visit underground Edinburgh - a city below the city of Edinburgh that was built on top of the deserted houses after the Black Plague. Apprently you can still access the old Edinburgh from St. Mary's Square. It sounds so interesting, so I can't wait for that as well. Besides all the sightseeing - museums included of course! - we are both looking forwards to meeting all the new people and I am itching to work with the horses and go riding again. I've really missed it and have often thought that a trek through the Italian country side would be brillent. Oh well, you can't have everything!

That's all for now, I've gotta love ya and leave ya, b.

Tags: snow

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