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There are [0] photos and [3] stories about Austria

The Hills are Alive-

Thursday, 19 Jun 2008 | Views [687]

 *sings * The hills are alive/ with the sound of... waterfalls? No, actually, the hills where alive with the sound of music (but also waterfalls; will explain in a bit!)– we drove from Petronell-Carnuntum to Zell in the Zimml Valley, but on the way ... Read more >

Tags: austrian alps, kimml valley, salzburg, sound of music, waterfalls

Second day of Vienna fun

Sunday, 15 Jun 2008 | Views [785]

Okay – so after an awesome day out on the town; mad-cap soccer induced antics included, how on earth could we possibly top those adventures? Easily enough it would seem! Em-J and I got up at half six – batty I know; such a evil hour should not exist..... Read more >

Tags: lipanzzana horses, spanish riding school, vienna boys choir

The Austrian Expiriance

Saturday, 14 Jun 2008 | Views [989] | Comments [1]

Ok - so the last two days since I updated have flown and as usual were jam-packed with all this stuff I can hardly wrap my head around.  We drove from the Czech Republic all the way through the province to Petronell-Carnuntum, Austria; which right next ... Read more >

Tags: concetration camps, driving, euro cup, schönbrunn palace, soccer



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