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1 Day in the Life of an Italian WWOOFer

ITALY | Wednesday, 27 February 2008 | Views [2175] | Comments [2]

Ciao All - EmJ here! b. gave you all an uber long update about our general travel info yesterday, so I thought I'd update you all with a more detailed run down of our day.

Today started early - 4:30 to be exact!! Those projectors-of-all-evil-&-misery-unto-helpless-people roosters once again started their joyous pealings at the first sign of the sun. (Actually, they started long before 4:30, but that was the first time my brain was coherent enough to actually move my arm to check the time!) I got up at 7:15 to shower etc. b. slept in until 7:45 (breakfast is at 8:00). When I poked her and pointed out the time she got up pretty fast. We hit the field at 9:20ish after plodding through breakfast! We being b., KT (a really nice American WWOOFer) and myself. Today we were working in the orchard. We had to spread fertaliser and turn the soil around the base of the trees.

While we were working we had no idea that we were being watched. Closer and closer the dreaded monstors crept. We saw the whites of their eyes... We could read their thoughts - we wants it! We NEEDS it!! They being the all-evil hens. IT being the fertaliser. Seriously, those crazy things ATE the blood, bone & manure pellets that we were putting around the trees. (Hence part of the reason we had to turn the soil!) The funny part started when Sf, the man we are staying with showed us how to deal with the feathered terrors! I swear, there are a few things in life that are involve the pain of defenceless animals that are HILARIOUS. There have been two such instances in my life so far

1. Watching two 6ft boys trying to kick a bunny. (Long story, ask me sometime or send me an email).

2. Kicking hens.

It is SOO funny! The hen really doesn't suffer more than, for all appearences, the pain of loosing its dignity. The initial squak is not half as funny as the, the... I guess the best way to describe it would be cheeps of indignant HOW DARE YOUs!!! I didn't actually get to the kicking (and believe me, chasing them is funny enough) but when they did get wacked we were ROTFLOAO! (If you don't know what that means - tough!)

Lunch BREAK starts at 1:00 where we retire to our room to sleep before lunch, which starts at 2:00ish and doesn't end until 3:00 - 3:30! That's right we get a 2 - 2 1/2 hour break! It is SOOO nice to sleep at lunch time! The food here is GOOD and even lunch has 2 courses!

We return to the field from 3:30 to close to 5:00. It gets cold around this time and the mosquitos come out (no idea while they wait 'till then, but they do!)

We then get to chill until dinner at 8:30. They eat dinner SOOO late here. Seriously, I have been close to going to bed without dinner a few times (working outside means we are way sleepies than usual) but they usually call us right when i have decided to head to bed. After a delicious meal we head to bed at 9:00.

So that's a day on the farm!


Tags: Laughter



Happy b'day em.

It sounds like you two are having a fantastic time o'seas. i wish i was with you! life here is average. nothing exciting...


  Bethany Feb 29, 2008 8:27 AM


I think that this is a good site and it was helpful to me!!!

  Sam Mar 27, 2009 2:38 AM

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