More horsey stories for those that care!
Okay - so when you're on horse staff for nine days straight it is pretty much all you can think of...
Story 1. Did a barrel race on Mustang (a liver brown cob mare) in 24.28 (approx. seconds) and was pleased 'coz I came second out of all the horse staff (I think) and managed to beat Lou-Lou who also rode her by 4 seconds!
Story 2. Got offically inducted into the T.R.S. staff...
P.D., our stable manager was all like "b. can you do me a favour and check that the ball cock is working?"
b.: "Sure thing, though I think it's alright because it was working earlier today."
So here I am bending over this water trough when I feel two arms grab me from behind(!!) - it took Ginger., T.Doll, C.Doll, Va and P.D. to dump me in the water, but they really did have a head start me being so close in the first place. Let me tell you - it was soooooo icy cold!!! What with all the SNOW falling and all!
Then they got EmJ - I told Ginger that if I had've been her I would've been out of there like no tomorrow and he said that's why he had told P.D. to get me first!!!!!! >< *rowah*
Don't worry - I gave my tormentors a nice WET hug to say "Thanks"....
Er - none horse stories? I keep staying up too late, (i.e. - sleepovers in the staff flat on the couches) so now I'm sick. *cough* But with another good night's sleep I should be right.
Other news? Can't really say - there's heaps of good banter (Scottish lingo for fun) happening though, it's well cool(more slang).
b. outtie - she needs her bed.