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sophsossig general diary to keep all the folks at home upto date on our shenanigans in India!

McDonalds, McDonalds, KFC and a Pizza Hut

INDIA | Saturday, 1 Dec 2007 | Views [3136] | Comments [2]

Hi guys, In Smelly Delhi at the mo - on a mission to get new passport and visa so that I can come home soon! First visited the British Embassy to apply for new passport - a breeze and the people working there were so friendly and helpful. What a relief ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

All out of Luck : (

INDIA | Friday, 16 Nov 2007 | Views [560]

What a bad week this has been . . . . . Bag, passport, bank cards, mobile phone all stolen on Sunday night from the roof of my guesthouse : ( Yes I was careless but what was that thieving bastard doing on our rooftop so late at night and why couldn't ... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Happy Halloween

INDIA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Views [672]

Hello everybody, Things swimming along nicely here in Mcleod! Went to see the documentary films that Jam's friends star in at Khana Nirvana the other night. The lady who made the films, Maria Blumencorn, from Germany was there showing them. The first ... Read more >

Tags: Everyday Stuff

Congratulations HH The Dalai Lama

INDIA | Thursday, 18 Oct 2007 | Views [690]

Hi guys, Had a fab night last night at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA)where almost the whole Tibetan population of Mcleod had gathered to watch HH The Dalai Lama receive the Congressional Gold Medal from President Bush. TIPA is a large ... Read more >

Tags: People


INDIA | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2007 | Views [1006] | Comments [1]

Howdy folks - things going well here in Mcleod. I am taking Tibetan lessons each morning with a friend of Jam's, Ludoop. He trained as a teacher in Tibet and is very good - every morning he comes to our room at 8.30am and goes over my homework from the ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Told You I'd Be Back!!!

INDIA | Saturday, 1 Sep 2007 | Views [1355]

Wow - i'm back and it is great to see Jam again! I arrived in Delhi Monday morning after sleeping through most of the Virgin flight and missing out on all the great entertainment they have onboard! Jam was there at the airport to meet me which was lovely ... Read more >

Tags: Everyday Stuff

Gallery: Sophies Return to Mcleod

INDIA | Saturday, 1 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 49 photos >>

Happy Birthday Jam!

INDIA | Sunday, 15 Jul 2007 | Views [730]

This is over and out from India - but I have no doubt in my heart that I will return! A short goodbye from this fabulous place as am celebrating Jams birthday in Hotel Tibet with Jam (of course!), Baby (got holiday today - yay!), Karma, Tendim, Something ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Gallery: Random!

INDIA | Wednesday, 11 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 15 photos >>

It's The Final Countdown!!!

INDIA | Saturday, 7 Jul 2007 | Views [666]

Cor Blimey folks only 10 more days left here in India - can't believe it is coming to an end - 6 months has felt like 6 weeks and I will of course never forget this life -changing trip!!! Have just arrived back in Mcleod Ganj after a nearly trip to ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

I Don't Want To Leave!!

INDIA | Wednesday, 27 Jun 2007 | Views [655] | Comments [1]

Hey guys, Life still good here in Mcleod - have finally stopped pining for Annie and am getting used to just hanging! Can't believe I have to leave in less than 3 weeks - if only there was two of me! Am going to miss this place so much and the people ... Read more >

Tags: People

I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself

INDIA | Monday, 18 Jun 2007 | Views [888] | Comments [1]

G'day folks - the rumours are true! Eddy and Patsy are no more - Annie left the country and returned to Blighty about a week ago and is it just a coincidence that I have been sick and confined to bed since then!?!?! Could also be that bloody infection ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Back to Mcleod . . .

INDIA | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [532] | Comments [2]

Hey guys, the honeymooners returned to Mcleod last night after a bitch of a journey! Please God no more local buses - we're just minutes from D-Sala but stopped every 5 bloody metres to let people, goats, puking children on and off bus. Just get me back ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Gallery: Manali - Rohtang

INDIA | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 14 photos >>

Honeymoon Heaven!!

INDIA | Tuesday, 22 May 2007 | Views [1269]

I LOVE MANALI!! Have been here a few days and feels likea real holiday. Me and Jam have got the best room in Old Manali with panoramic views of the valley and mountains - waterfalls, snow mountains . . . . and awesome balcony which we share with our ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Manali Here We Come . .

INDIA | Friday, 18 May 2007 | Views [613]

Just a quick update - me and Jam heading to Manali tonight for a few days. Will take about 10 hours on the overnight bus - should be fun. There are hot springs there and real life Tibetan yaks! I become more Tibetan by the day - may be tempted to take ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Nomad Initiation . . .

INDIA | Tuesday, 15 May 2007 | Views [609] | Comments [1]

Hi Guys, Writing this with much effort after a trip to Triund - yawn!!! Me and Jam headed up to Triund which is near the snow line - a 4 hour trek I was told before leaving - yesterday afternoon after a lazy morning recovering from the night before.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Wedding Day

INDIA | Wednesday, 9 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 39 photos >>

Mr and Mrs Jam!!

INDIA | Wednesday, 9 May 2007 | Views [1512] | Comments [3]

Hey folks - what a crazy week this has been! Me and Jam were married on Monday and it was one of the best days of my life! Me and Jam started the day by getting up early and leaving his rooftop to go to the temple. Here we done three prostrations (Buddhist ... Read more >

Tags: Friends


INDIA | Saturday, 5 May 2007 | Views [541]

Hello everybody - no entry for a while have been busy, busy, busy! Am volunteering at the baby centre here in the mornings which is just the best - the kids are aged 6 months to 3 years and are adorable. Have nicknamed most of them now - Madge (sings ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

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