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Nomad Initiation . . .

INDIA | Tuesday, 15 May 2007 | Views [616] | Comments [1]

Hi Guys, Writing this with much effort after a trip to Triund - yawn!!!

Me and Jam headed up to Triund which is near the snow line - a 4 hour trek I was told before leaving - yesterday afternoon after a lazy morning recovering from the night before. Have been enjoying some fun nights in Mcllos and this night was something else! We usually leave Mcllos about 11pm as they shut down and if you want to keep on partying Excite is the place to go. However this night the owner of Mcllos didn't want to see us leave and turn't the bar into a D-I-S-C-O!!!! A dancefloor appeared from nowhere - flashing squares and everything - and the place was rocking with people cutting some crazy dance moves. Baby and Jam even pulled out a few ballroom dance moves - together! The party then continued on Jams rooftop with me, Annie, Baby, Tenzin (Tibetan/American guy) and his two lovely ladies Arty and Zola.

Finally left for Triund with supplies at about 1.30pm and by christ it was toughie! Only felt like crying at one point when we were just a few minutes away from the top but I made it - hooray! And I shouldn't complain as Jam was the one carrying the most weight on his back. Once there  - 5 and half hours later! - it was well worth it as you can see the remnants of a glacier and the snow mountains spread out before you - beautiful. We then found ourselves a little spot to make a fire and settle down for the night. My brilliant nomadic hubby went to fetch firewood and constructed a stove from a few stones and continued to cook up the most delicious thentuk EVER! Noodles, yak meat!, spices, onions, peppers - sure beats a can of baked beans when your camping! We then found a spot to lay our sleeping bags down and slept soundly under the stars. Did wake up in the middle of the night to find a giant slug trying make itself at home in my hair - yuck! and the bloody crows pecked their way into the butter and our fags!

Woke this morning to find Jam had disappeared - just gone to fetch water from river about an hour down the valley (this is why i will never make a nomad - where do they find the energy!) - he then returned and cooked a traditional Tibetan meal of tsampa, butter and yak cheese. Thentuk is still my fav and you can't beat a good momo.

Decided to head back down at lunch time as could hear rolls of thunder and with no water supply nearby staying any longer would have been a bit of a mission. Feel that I still have a lot to learn before I can call myself a true nomadic wife  . . . . feel like a Kingfisher is well deserved tonight for us two! Can taste the sweet, cold beer running down my throat now - mmmmmmmmmmmmm : )

Have seen Paradox from Goa in the street so hope to bump into him again, getting rings today too!!! 

Lots of love to everybody - miss you and can't wait to see you again xxxxxxxxx   

Tags: Adventures



Hey Sophie,
I know its a massively long time no speak, but have been following your travels on here. See your having an amazing time and have many fantastic stories to tell! Am jealous as I'm looking out my window to rainy Leeds!
Often think of you and Katy, will have to all get in touch.
Take care and enjoy...!
Alex xxx

  Alex White May 18, 2007 7:39 AM



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