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sophsossig general diary to keep all the folks at home upto date on our shenanigans in India!


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "Everyday Stuff".

Happy Halloween

INDIA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Views [680]

Hello everybody, Things swimming along nicely here in Mcleod! Went to see the documentary films that Jam's friends star in at Khana Nirvana the other night. The lady who made the films, Maria Blumencorn, from Germany was there showing them. The first ... Read more >

Tags: Everyday Stuff

Told You I'd Be Back!!!

INDIA | Saturday, 1 Sep 2007 | Views [1360]

Wow - i'm back and it is great to see Jam again! I arrived in Delhi Monday morning after sleeping through most of the Virgin flight and missing out on all the great entertainment they have onboard! Jam was there at the airport to meet me which was lovely ... Read more >

Tags: Everyday Stuff

Hanging Up My Travelling Shoes

INDIA | Tuesday, 24 Apr 2007 | Views [525] | Comments [1]

Hey folks - hope all is well with everybody! I have been back in Mcleod Ganj for one week now and have settled right back into things. Got ourselves the best room in the world today - it is in the same guest house as we were staying in so we still have ... Read more >

Tags: Everyday Stuff

Over and Out South India : (

INDIA | Sunday, 4 Mar 2007 | Views [677] | Comments [1]

Am in the big smoke again today - Bangalore- after an 18hour train ride from Varkala yesterday. Another fab journey - 2nd class sleeper train journeys are just the best. You book your ticket - get upper berth its the best and rock on with snacks galore ... Read more >

Tags: Everyday Stuff

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