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It's The Final Countdown!!!

INDIA | Saturday, 7 July 2007 | Views [672]

Cor Blimey folks only 10 more days left here in India - can't believe it is coming to an end - 6 months has felt like 6 weeks and I will of course never forget this life -changing trip!!!

Have just arrived back in Mcleod Ganj after a nearly trip to Nepal - thought that I would have to go there to renew visa which runs out tomorrow but after making a phone call in Delhi discovered that i can visit a couple of offices there and get stamp to stay until 17th July.

Delhi was bloody awful - so hot and humid! Terrible room for first night - hot and biting ants crawling over the bed : ( but discovered better rooms after with super-charged fans and Star movies! Travelled all over Delhi in rickshaw to get my visa extende. Ministery of home Affairs on first day - who then send you to the FRRO office the next day - who then tell me i have to come back in four days for the final stamp (which I said bollocks to and stormed out of office in true Sophie Strop way!!)The guy who  told me to come back in four days really pissed me off - i had waited 3 hours to see him thinking that he would be the one to give me the stamp - all he bloody done was staple my bits of paper together, scribble on another bit of paper and then give me the bad news!!!!

Luckily spoke to a more reasonable guy after who said it was possible to come back on the day of my choice for stamp - revived my faith in human nature!!

Also visited Mousserie and Dehradun on our travels to Delhi - was hoping to escape the heat of Delhi in these places but they both proved to be just as hot and wet! Stayed in the Tibetan colony in Dehradun which was really nice - the most beautiful stupa is situated there. You can go in side and there are beautiful gardens surrounding it. Mousserie was a bit cooler as it is a hill retreat but the main town was packed out with expensive hotels aimed at Indian tourists and the room we got was almost dripping with water it was so damp! Stayed one night then got the hell out of there - wouldn't recommend the place!

Caught the metro in Delhi which was a delight - so clean and air conditioned. Also visited India Gate where you don't get hassled and can just walk around in peace! Good to find some good in Delhi - previously just thought it was a dive! Really wish the Indian governement would issue bikes with gears to the poor cycle rickshaw drivers - these guys work so hard in the heat for so little money.

So back in Mcleod and just in time for the Dalai Lamas birthday yesterday - didn't visit the temple as was still recovering from bus journey from Delhi but hope to go tomorrow and see him. Lots of people in Tibetan dress wandering around yesterday and a very good vibe to the place. Me, Jam, Tendim and Baby celebrated together in Hotel Tibet and Himalaya - polished off a bottle of 8pm on HH behalf!

Anyway have gone on and on so will shut up now - all is left to say is that i can't wait to see everyone again! Sis, kids, nan, Jo, the Farthings!!, Uni reunion! Bonnie, EVERYBODY!!!,  And to have a roast dinner and a glass of wine! Lots of love Soph xxxxxxxx

Tags: On the Road



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