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There are [207] photos and [24] stories about Brazil

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A weekend with Leo & Kelita

Saturday, 14 Mar 2009 | Views [489]

Leo meets us at the bus station at 5am. He's blurry eyed and tired. While we were sleeping for the last 4 hrs on the bus, he was out partying, waiting to meet us. After a quick, crazy ride we get to his apartment, where we all crash for the next few ... Read more >

Gallery: Sao Paulo

Friday, 13 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

a weekend with Kelita and Leo
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Take me to see JC!

Thursday, 12 Mar 2009 | Views [416]

Our jovial tour guide proclaims this is what most Americans say to him when they get in his van. We've come back to Rio one last time and although we've been here twice already, we still haven't been up the mountain to see the Cristo - the 35m tall statue ... Read more >

Gallery: JC

Thursday, 12 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

The Cristo
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Where are all the cars??

Thursday, 5 Mar 2009 | Views [432]

After a couple days in Praia, we take the ferry/bus/water taxi over to Morro de Sao Paulo, a little island off the coast (not to be confused with the major city). The island of Morro is so small they don't even have cars. You can hire a guy with a wheel ... Read more >

Gallery: Bahia

Thursday, 5 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Beaches de Bahia

Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [295]

After a few days in the hot city of Salvadore de Bahia, we decide to check out the beaches. First we head up to Praia de Forte, an overly developed resort area. It's a nice place, with nice beaches and the sea is really warm. But it's expensive and ... Read more >

Gallery: Salvador Carnival

Wednesday, 25 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Don't stop til you get enough!

Wednesday, 25 Feb 2009 | Views [411]

Carnival in Bahia seems much more familiar. Must be the big sound trucks and the mass of people following it down the street. Reminds me of a Trini carnival...ah this is more like it! We jump up with the crowd for a couple hours in the scorching ... Read more >

Salvador da Bahia

Tuesday, 24 Feb 2009 | Views [450]

We still have another three weeks in Brazil after the end of Carnaval, so we decide to check out Bahia. We booked our flight for the last normal day of Carnaval because in Salvador (the capital of the Bahia region, and site of what is apparently the ... Read more >

School of Samba (longest parade ever!)

Monday, 23 Feb 2009 | Views [471]

Day three, and still going strong...well kind of. It takes us a bit longer to get started today so we go for an early lunch with Leo. Without realising it, we're also walking into an ambush - yet another street party. As soon as lunch is done, there's ... Read more >

Carnival of Devils and Falling Angels

Sunday, 22 Feb 2009 | Views [454]

Day two arrives with a very excited Michele. She wasn't able to come out with us yesterday as she was working. But today is Sunday and it's time for Boitata. Boitata is a huge party in a square in the centre of town and it's where we're headed this morning.... Read more >

Gallery: Rio Carnival 2009

Saturday, 21 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Carnival in Santa Teresa - Party like a Carioca

Saturday, 21 Feb 2009 | Views [1015]

Our first introduction into Rio carnaval is in Santa Teresa. A beautiful area up in the mountains, near one of the many Favellas. It's a traditional party where people dress up in crazy costumes (or a fancy dress for you Brits) and dance along the cobble ... Read more >

Back to Rio, it's Carnival Time!

Friday, 20 Feb 2009 | Views [497]

Where is the carnival? We get to Rio late in the morning (after a 20hr bus ride) and we're ready to party, but there's no sign of the famous fiesta. We walk up and down Copacabana beach and nothing, but scantily-clad people lounging on the beach. ... Read more >

Gallery: Iguazu Falls (the Brazil side)

Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Iguazu Falls...Again

Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009 | Views [521]

So what should we do? Get the 37-hour direct bus from Buenos Aires to Rio, or stop halfway at Iguazu Falls? You can see from the title, what we decided. OK it will delay us by a day, but it breaks up the journey nicely, and gives us the chance to see ... Read more >

Ciao Rio

Tuesday, 20 Jan 2009 | Views [436]

Our luck continues! One reason we decided to come to Rio now was so we could try and find a place to stay during Carnaval. We had looked on the internet and almost everywhere was booked and the places that did have rooms were charging $300+ per night! ... Read more >

Rio as Locals

Sunday, 18 Jan 2009 | Views [413]

We spend 4 days in total in Rio because, we plan to go to Buenos Aires and then return here for Carnaval. While we're here we don't do very much and certainly not many touristy things. We figured, while we can hang out with Aldri, who is a local, we ... Read more >

Gallery: First time in Rio

Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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