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Alicia & Rich's Roads to Everywhere London to Australia on the route less traveled

Rich's Birthday in Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 26 November 2009 | Views [908]

With our mates Ben and Ern coming over from London, and my birthday on the horizon, it seems to be the perfect time to plan a trip to Sydney. Plus, through his extensive contacts in the TV business, Ally says he can get us tickets to the after party of the ARIA awards (Australia's music awards). Should be fun!

We book out a long weekend at a swanky pad in Bondi and Alicia, Tristan and I jump on a cheap Tiger Airways flight. We're met at the property by Ally, Ben and Ern who arrived earlier and have settled into the place - sorting out some drinks and even baking a cake for my birthday. Nice!


After a couple of celebratory drinks we head into town, and make our way down to the famous setting of Circular Quay. This is our first time in Sydney and there's no better place to start for some great views of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Drinks at the Opera Bar are followed by a meal at a waterside seafood place just along the concourse. It's not the cheapest way to spend an evening but who cares right? This is Sydney after all!


Although the plan was then to go hang out with celebs at the ARIA's after party, Ally has dropped the bombshell that there will be no tickets forthcoming - Classic Ally. So once we're finished eating, we head over to Kings Cross for a couple of nightcaps.

This is here things become a little hazy...but all in all a good night out!

drinks at the harbour

drinks at the harbour


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