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Alicia & Rich's Roads to Everywhere London to Australia on the route less traveled

If you're caught smuggling drugs, you will be executed...Welcome to Singapore

SINGAPORE | Tuesday, 17 Aug 2010 | Views [840]

Bright lights, clean streets, all looking pretty. Let's hear it for Singapore...concrete jungle where shopping dreams are made of, there's nothing you cant buy! Rich: Terrible English, but to be fair Alicia is just (mis)quoting her namesake - Ms ... Read more >

Photos: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Monday, 16 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Aquarium of Tioman Island

VIETNAM | Saturday, 14 Aug 2010 | Views [572]

Ever been to a really large aquarium that has hundreds of colorful fish swimming around in it? Imagine jumping into this aquatic world and that's what its like to go snorkeling in Paya. Right off the beach you can see fish swimming around your ankles.... Read more >

Photos: Tioman Island

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 14 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

small island off the east coast of Malaysia
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Back to Malaysia-Tioman Island

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 10 Aug 2010 | Views [1530] | Comments [1]

After a full day of traveling, we still haven't made it to our final destination. So we get up early in the morning to catch the first ferry to the idyllic Pulau Tioman. After 2 hours on a freezing cold (air-conditioned) ferry we finally reach the ... Read more >

Photos: Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon

VIETNAM | Sunday, 8 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon- you pick

VIETNAM | Saturday, 7 Aug 2010 | Views [819]

Arriving in HCMC after a few days on the beach is like jumping into a cold pool on a hot summer day. It's certainly a shock to the system. Busy, noisy and chaotic are the first few adjectives that spring to mind and in no time we're dodging motorbikes ... Read more >

Mui Ne

VIETNAM | Thursday, 5 Aug 2010 | Views [619]

On the route between Nha Trang and, our next main stop, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is another beach town called Mui Ne. We were recommended a place to stay by a couple we met on the Halong Bay trip, and bumped into again in Nha Trang. So we decide to give ... Read more >

Photos: Nha Trang & Mui Ne

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 4 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

Beach Life
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Nha Trang

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 4 Aug 2010 | Views [785]

Ever wanted to know what it feels like to live in a sardine can? Just hop on an overnight bus down the Vietnam coast and you'll quickly find out. From the outside it looks like any other bus, but once you step inside (take your shoes off before you do!) ... Read more >

Hoi An (Made to Measure)

VIETNAM | Thursday, 29 Jul 2010 | Views [1520]

Hanoi has been great but it's time to move on. We take a cheap flight down to Danang and from there, catch a taxi a little further down the coast to Hoi An. This is the city Rich has been dreaming about...and why? Suits made to measure. Tailors ... Read more >

Photos: Hoi An

VIETNAM | Thursday, 29 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Halong Bay

VIETNAM | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Views [1137]

Rain is pouring outside our window as we get up for another early start. This time we're up for a 6.30 breakfast. By 8am were in our minibus, on the way to Halong bay. This is a bay of 100's of islands off the Vietnam coast in the South China sea. ... Read more >

Photos: Halong Bay

VIETNAM | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Goood Morning Vietnam!

VIETNAM | Friday, 23 Jul 2010 | Views [787] | Comments [2] | Video

It's a 3am start today because we're headed for Hanoi, Vietnam. Our flight leaves at 6am and it takes a hour to get to the KL LCCT terminal (where the cheap airlines fly from). By 8.30am we've arrived in Hanoi. We did our visas online so it's quick ... Read more >

Photos: Hanoi

VIETNAM | Friday, 23 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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One day in Kuala Lumpur

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 22 Jul 2010 | Views [1760] | Comments [1] | Video

Our Australian visas expired yesterday, and we have to go back to the UK. Not because we're moving back but for a wedding! Rich's older bro is tying the knot and we're heading back to the UK on 19th August. But, that gives us four weeks in between, ... Read more >

Photos: Kuala Lumpur

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 22 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Leaving Melbourne

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [560]

The Australian visas expires tomorrow and we have to go back to the UK. Not because we're moving back, but for a wedding! Rich's older bro is tying the knot and we're heading back to the UK on 19th August. But, that gives us four weeks in between, ... Read more >

Australian Open

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 14 Jan 2010 | Views [481]

The Australian Open is about to begin and all the big hitters are in town warming up. Since the tournament doesn’t start for a couple of days, Roger Federer decides to club together with a few other stars and put together a fundraiser for Haiti.... Read more >

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