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Alicia & Rich's Roads to Everywhere London to Australia on the route less traveled

Shalom Bus Ride: Pray we get there in one Peace

ZAMBIA | Friday, 28 Nov 2008 | Views [2424] | Video

This morning we return to the bus station and buy tickets to Livingstone. The ride is smooth and scenic until we hit a diversion that sends us on a bumpy dirt road. We're 25km short of Livingstone and suddenly our "Shalom" bus decides it ... Read more >

Arriving in Zambia

ZAMBIA | Thursday, 27 Nov 2008 | Views [709]

Today is Thanksgiving (in the US) but there’s no turkey and stuffing, no pumpkin pie, only Pringles and chocolate candy bars. Which is much tastier than the chicken and fries meal they try to get us to buy. We spend today on the train doing more ... Read more >

Gallery: Tazara Train to Zambia

TANZANIA | Thursday, 27 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

Our 48hr train ride from Tanzania to Zambia
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Tazara Train

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008 | Views [908]

The next morning we awake to amazing scenery passing us by outside our window. Scenic landscapes and refreshingly crisp air make us both forget the importance of today. Rich’s Birthday! What a way to turn 28! It's my birthday (26th Nov - a date for ... Read more >

Leaving Tanzania

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 25 Nov 2008 | Views [576]

We leave Zanzibar by ferry at 7am and get back in Dar es Salam within a couple of hours. Now we have to go buy the tickets for our train ride to Zambia. This is a 42 hour sleeper train ride from Dar to a place called Kapiri Mposhi (somewhere in central ... Read more >

Zanzibar - Jambiani Beach & Dolphins!

TANZANIA | Sunday, 23 Nov 2008 | Views [1321]

The main purpose of visiting the east coast of Zanzibar is to see the dolphins. There's a place called Kizimkazi where you're basically guaranteed to find them, and you can go swimming with them. Excellent. And with Alicia's love of dolphins, this is ... Read more >

Zanzibar - Kendwa Beach

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 18 Nov 2008 | Views [1029]

Ok so it's wishful thinking to stay here forever, but we did meet a guy who had famously (ok, maybe not famously) arrived at Kendwa on a two week holiday, but he ended up falling in love with the place, quiting his job, in Texas, by email, and is still ... Read more >

Gallery: Zanzibar - Beaches

TANZANIA | Monday, 17 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Zanzibar - Paradise

TANZANIA | Monday, 17 Nov 2008 | Views [1357]

Wow! That just about sums up our first impression of Zanzibar's north coast. If you just try to imagine all that a beach paradise should be, then you're getting close to what Kendwa can offer you. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the pictures.... Read more >

Gallery: Zanzibar - Stone Town

TANZANIA | Sunday, 16 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Zanzibar (the spice island) - Stone Town

TANZANIA | Friday, 14 Nov 2008 | Views [1209]

We arrive off the ferry in Zanzibar and are transported back in time as we adjust to the Arabian/Indian culture still prevalent in the old Stone Town...not strictly true but certainly what the guide book would have us believe. In truth, Stone Town is ... Read more >

Dar es Salam

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 12 Nov 2008 | Views [355]

Now that we have a taste for African buses, there is no other option of how we get to Tanzania. 10 hours? No problem. After a couple of hours of bouncing over potholes at 80 miles per hour, Alicia is reconsidering this option. I am asleep, dreaming ... Read more >

Diani beach - Ghosts, Spirits or Shadows?

KENYA | Tuesday, 11 Nov 2008 | Views [728] | Comments [1]

We decided to spend a week at Diani beach to save money as we figured if we just sit on the beach for a few days we won't incur too many expenses. Our first night we stay in a beach cottage that is 50 meters from the sea. We get there late and it's ... Read more >

Back to Mombasa

KENYA | Friday, 7 Nov 2008 | Views [665]

After leaving Nyali, we head back into Mombasa to see where to go next. The first stop was the local tourism office (not recommended). We took a look at a couple of hostels in central Mombasa and quickly decided Mombasa wasn't for us. One of the ... Read more >

Obama Day!

KENYA | Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [763]

We paid a bit more money to stay in a room with a television. I wanted to be sure to see as much coverage of this historic election as I could. Because we are 8 hours behind America, we were able to spend the day at the beach and watch CNN at night.... Read more >

Mombasa - Nyali (North Beach)

KENYA | Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [2999]

Although it's a long bus ride to get to Mombasa, it's an overnight trip so you don't lose any days travelling which is cool. Also, you don't have to pay for accommodation for that night so it's a good idea all round. (if you can sleep) The ride was ... Read more >

Gallery: Kenyan Coast Beaches

KENYA | Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

Diani and Nyali Beach
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Last day in Nairobi

KENYA | Monday, 3 Nov 2008 | Views [583]

Before we left the Masai Mara, our new friends, Bobbi and Aziz, invited us to stay with them on our last night and day in Nairobi. We thankfully accepted their offer. It was great staying with them because we hadn’t booked anywhere and plus it’s so ... Read more >

Gallery: Masai Mara - Day 3

SOUTH AFRICA | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Last day in the Masai Mara

KENYA | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Views [1427]

The alarm goes off at 5:30am and it's beginning to get light outside. We leave the room around 6:15am, after locking our bags and moving them away from all windows. After a quick cup of coffee we hop in the van with the Australian couple. (Bobbi and ... Read more >

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