I had a tickle and a couple of sneezes on the way here on the bus. Time I checked in it was a full on head cold with slight delirium and feeling deathly. So have spent the last couple of days asleep, either in bed or on one of the steamer chairs in the garden.
This is Butterfly Lodge, booked at Fergus' recommendation as all the profits go to charity. They are very kind, the bed is very cheap, the garden is almost English and complete with steamer chairs and a dog with broken leg. She appeared one day and spends all her time here, healing, I guess. I have christened her Millie and buy her scrambled eggs for breakfast and she stays with me as I sleep. On one of my wobbly walks to see the lake and score antibiotics, I bought her a water bowl of her very own. There is no dog food here, not surprisingly but she has had a few good breakfasts.
Rooming with the beautiful Fred from America who is very ill with tonsillitis. Fergus is in great pain but remains cheerful. I have made a new friend, the wonderful, amusing and kind Sarah from US. It is a good place to be ill. The Coffee Angel supplies us with everything at a moments notice. Booked bus for the morning - 450 r and my bill for 4 nights and breakfasts comes to 1376r. A bargain. A last snack of processed cheese for Millie and bed.