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Paul & Luiza´s World Tour

Trip: Syria

There are [7] stories from my trip: Syria

Photos: Syria - Damascus

SYRIA | Friday, 10 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

Old Damascus - Umayadd Mosque, Grand Souk, Azem Palace
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Syria - Damascus (Umayadd Mosque, Souk, Azem Palace, Christian Quarter and Ananias Chapel)

SYRIA | Thursday, 9 Sep 2010 | Views [1612]

Damascus – the Brazilian connection… We take a 3 hour (big and nice) bus to Damascus, get here by lunchtime and check into an awful pretentious little shitty get-me-outta-here backpackers hostel.   They charge for the use of the internet and for ... Read more >

Photos: Syria - Palmyra

SYRIA | Wednesday, 8 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

Amazing Byzantine ruins in desert Syria
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Syria - Palmyra

SYRIA | Tuesday, 7 Sep 2010 | Views [1010]

Palmyra – can we stay an extra day, please? Obviously, the bus becomes a (really) mini-van, and here we go, squeezing in and slowly melting with 13 other people, all staring at us “very discreetly”, including a not so discreet little girl and ... Read more >

Photos: Syria - Crac de Chevalier (Crusader Castle)

SYRIA | Monday, 6 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

5th Century Crusader Castle in almost perfect condition
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Photos: Syria - Aleppo

SYRIA | Saturday, 4 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

Aleppo - 4 thousand year old city (possibly oldest continously inhabited city in the world)
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Syria(sly) - Aleppo (Citadel, Umayyad Mosque, Souk) & Crac de Chevalier Crusader Castle

SYRIA | Friday, 3 Sep 2010 | Views [2722]

Syria-sly? Are you Syrias?? Yeah, after 65 days in Greece and 32 days in Turkey, we are off to Syria. We leave Adana (southeastern Turkey) after 3 days of R & R as Paul needed to recover from a really bad flu.   When we were in Istanbul ... Read more >

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