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There are [0] photos and [39] stories tagged with "sightseeing".

Live in Liverpool

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 22 Aug 2013 | Views [521]

What I like most about being in Liverpool is the music. Yes, the greatest band ever, the Beatles, was born here and I'm here on a pilgrimage. Even though they've disbanded and half of them are no longer, their legacy lives on strong in this vibrant ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, hostels, music, sightseeing, uk

Back in London

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 10 Aug 2013 | Views [391]

There's something about London that always catches me. Even with three hours sleep, I had enough energy to reminisce and the joy and wonder I felt walking through London as an eleven year-old visiting for the first time.

Tags: cities, european adventure, sightseeing


GERMANY | Saturday, 3 Aug 2013 | Views [494]

Where they burn books, they will start burning people. - A very apt quote from German poet, Heinrich Heine, from 1820, at the Nazi book burning memorial   I'm taking my second last train ride with my Eurail pass. My European adventure is ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, history, sightseeing, trains


GERMANY | Wednesday, 31 Jul 2013 | Views [627]

Visiting Dresden was a sombre experience, knowing that it was the most heavily-bombed city in WWII. It is such a stark contrast to Prague, which never took a blow from the war physically and was so well-preserved. Walking from the train station ... Read more >

Tags: buildings, churches, cities, european adventure, sightseeing

Romantic Rainy Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Monday, 29 Jul 2013 | Views [404]

I love Prague.   It's as magical as I thought it would be and even better. The only disappointment I have is that I haven't been taking enough photos and taking photos that do this beautiful city justice.   I'm staying with Andrea, ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, food, friends, nights out, sightseeing

Thoughts on Budapest :)

HUNGARY | Friday, 26 Jul 2013 | Views [1381]

Hungary is unique due to its location - its culture, language and history is unlike any other country in Europe. Budapest is the centre of it and is a beautiful city. A lot of backpackers head to Budapest for two reasons - to party and to party ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, food, friends, sightseeing, trains

Being Illogical

HUNGARY | Thursday, 25 Jul 2013 | Views [426]

Sometimes logic really escapes me. This morning I stood at Liberty bridge, pondering about how I should get to "the Hospital in the Rock" (an old hospital and nuclear bunker in the cave system under Castle Hill), from where I was. I could walk along ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, reflections, sightseeing, walking

In Vienna

AUSTRIA | Monday, 22 Jul 2013 | Views [407]

Surprise, surprise! Vienna was JUST okay. It was indeed a sophisticated city with some impressive architecture and beautiful things, but I found it lacked character and was expensive. Maybe visiting it  right after delightful Cesky Krumlov has ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, friends, sightseeing, trains

The Heart of Bohemia

CZECH REPUBLIC | Saturday, 20 Jul 2013 | Views [920]

What a day! I certainly had my patience tested. I woke up this morning thankfully at a reasonable hour, given the night I had. I mustered all willpower to get on with the day - to pack, to check-out and start my journey to Vienna. The first two were ... Read more >

Tags: european adventure, friends, hostels, sightseeing, trains

A Fabulous Day in Salzburg

AUSTRIA | Thursday, 18 Jul 2013 | Views [451]

I am so happy I decided to make an overnight stop in the lovely city of Salzburg.   Salzburg is the hometown of Mozart, a composer I adored in my piano-playing days and was the main reason for my visit. Seeing his birthplace from the outside ... Read more >

Tags: bohemia, cities, european adventure, music, sightseeing

Munich - More Than Just Beer

GERMANY | Wednesday, 17 Jul 2013 | Views [417]

I have to say it's really nice travelling first class on trains without having to pay a single cent extra. The RailJet trains I've been on have been the best so far, with comfortable seats equipped with power points, wifi on board and lovely staff who ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, friends, history, sightseeing, trains

Close to Nature in Innsbruck

AUSTRIA | Monday, 15 Jul 2013 | Views [555]

One of the initial reasons why I wanted to go to Switzerland was because of a panoramic train called Bernina Express. I remember first hearing about it when I researched Eurail passes and thinking I've got to go on that! The funniest thing was I ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, sightseeing, trains, trekking

Switzerland... What a Beautiful Country!

SWITZERLAND | Sunday, 14 Jul 2013 | Views [1021]

Meeting up with my friend Ilona meant I didn't get to stay overnight in Zürich - which was a good thing because I was getting the feeling it would blow my budget with as little as a wave of a hand. Ilona invited me to stay with her at her fiancé... Read more >

Tags: european adventure, flowers, food, friends, nature, outdoors, sightseeing

Zürich or Zu reich (Too rich)

SWITZERLAND | Friday, 12 Jul 2013 | Views [1596]

Zürich is my second Swiss stop. I'm here to visit Ilona, another girl I met in Peru. Traversing the country south to north, from Lugano to Zürich, by train is magical. It was my first time seeing the Alps properly and they didn't disappoint.... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, food, friends, sightseeing, trains

European Brazil

GREECE | Sunday, 7 Jul 2013 | Views [523]

I like how in Greece, you have enough time to procrastinate AND still follow through with your plans. It's happened nearly everyday. I wake up after a sleep in, ponder if it's too late to do what I planned, decide to linger in thought, walk to the beach ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, boats, european adventure, friendly strangers, landmarks, sightseeing, trekking

A Day in Athens

GREECE | Tuesday, 2 Jul 2013 | Views [457]

I turned up to Athens with the lowest of expectations after hearing countless mixed reviews of Athens in the past. Most were quite negative, dismissing the city as not worth visiting. As far as I was concerned, it was just a stepping stone to get to ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, friends, history, landmarks, sightseeing

Leaving Italy Crazy for Caprese

ITALY | Monday, 1 Jul 2013 | Views [383]

I've left Italy and am on my way to Athens. I'm really hoping for a week of relaxation and continuous chill-out sessions in Santorini! I nearly left on a bad note trying to get some Caprese for breakfast. Having had copious amounts of the most ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, flights, food, sightseeing

Pompei and a US Base

ITALY | Saturday, 29 Jun 2013 | Views [581]

I left Rome yesterday to visit the ruins of Pompei and see my friend, Crystal, on her US navy base in Naples. When I switched trains for Pompei, I was very tempted to just skip it for some stunning scenery time in Sorrento. I decided not to though ... Read more >

Tags: european adventure, food, friends, sightseeing, trains, usa

When in Rome...

ITALY | Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 | Views [497]

Do as the Romans do. Yesterday I had the shock of my life when I saw the price of a coppa piccola of gelato near Piazza Navona. I've been paying between 1.50-3€ all over Italy. A lot of the gelaterias around Piazza Navona were charging 8€... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, history, museums, sightseeing

Museum-ed Out

ITALY | Sunday, 23 Jun 2013 | Views [643]

Today I woke up feeling like I didn't want to get out of bed. I was tired from the day before, spent visiting museum after museum. I had to pack my stuff because my hostel wanted me to switch rooms. So I dragged myself out of bed very slowly and grudgingly.... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, friends, history, museums, sightseeing

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