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The little adventures of Jo! Travel with me on my overdue gap year around the world :)


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "hostels".

Sleeping in Luxury

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 12 Sep 2013 | Views [504]

Rolling around in egyptian cotton and laying my tiredness on duck down pillows. Not hating on the hostels I've stayed at, because they did a great job providing what I needed, but sleeping in a five-star hotel is always a luxurious experience to truly ... Read more >

Tags: food, hostels, hotels, malaysia, reflections

Issues, Issues and More Issues

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 23 Aug 2013 | Views [472]

Considering I did an excellent job with catching trains in Europe, I'm having an awful time with the transport in the UK. It's not that it's substandard and terrible here - it's just that I seem to have a running streak of issues. First, there was ... Read more >

Tags: buses, european adventure, hostels, trains, uk

Live in Liverpool

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 22 Aug 2013 | Views [521]

What I like most about being in Liverpool is the music. Yes, the greatest band ever, the Beatles, was born here and I'm here on a pilgrimage. Even though they've disbanded and half of them are no longer, their legacy lives on strong in this vibrant ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, hostels, music, sightseeing, uk

The Heart of Bohemia

CZECH REPUBLIC | Saturday, 20 Jul 2013 | Views [920]

What a day! I certainly had my patience tested. I woke up this morning thankfully at a reasonable hour, given the night I had. I mustered all willpower to get on with the day - to pack, to check-out and start my journey to Vienna. The first two were ... Read more >

Tags: european adventure, friends, hostels, sightseeing, trains

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