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There are [0] photos and [6] stories about Italy

Leaving Italy Crazy for Caprese

Monday, 1 Jul 2013 | Views [383]

I've left Italy and am on my way to Athens. I'm really hoping for a week of relaxation and continuous chill-out sessions in Santorini! I nearly left on a bad note trying to get some Caprese for breakfast. Having had copious amounts of the most ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, flights, food, sightseeing

Pompei and a US Base

Saturday, 29 Jun 2013 | Views [581]

I left Rome yesterday to visit the ruins of Pompei and see my friend, Crystal, on her US navy base in Naples. When I switched trains for Pompei, I was very tempted to just skip it for some stunning scenery time in Sorrento. I decided not to though ... Read more >

Tags: european adventure, food, friends, sightseeing, trains, usa

When in Rome...

Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 | Views [497]

Do as the Romans do. Yesterday I had the shock of my life when I saw the price of a coppa piccola of gelato near Piazza Navona. I've been paying between 1.50-3€ all over Italy. A lot of the gelaterias around Piazza Navona were charging 8€... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, history, museums, sightseeing

Museum-ed Out

Sunday, 23 Jun 2013 | Views [643]

Today I woke up feeling like I didn't want to get out of bed. I was tired from the day before, spent visiting museum after museum. I had to pack my stuff because my hostel wanted me to switch rooms. So I dragged myself out of bed very slowly and grudgingly.... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, friends, history, museums, sightseeing

Quiet Time in Venice

Thursday, 20 Jun 2013 | Views [583]

A week ago, I was nearly going to skip Venice, thinking I didn't really have much time to play with in Italy. It turns out I'm now spending five days in Florence and six days in Rome! Venice or Venezia is a pretty cool city. Being set on an island ... Read more >

Tags: boats, cities, european adventure, food, music, sightseeing, trains

Ciao Bella!

Monday, 17 Jun 2013 | Views [380]

I was feeling a little down travelling from Nice into Italy. I lost my funky tripod from San Francisco, had three train rides and a bus ride ahead of me and I was tired. I was also slightly nervous about going into Italy and experiencing a new country ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, european adventure, friendly strangers, trains, trekking



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