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The little adventures of Jo! Travel with me on my overdue gap year around the world :)


There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "flights".

Goodbye Nepal

NEPAL | Saturday, 26 Oct 2013 | Views [613] | Comments [1]

The flight out of Kathmandu was probably one of the most picturesque I've been on - only comparable to our flight out of Lukla. Thanks to Dad secretly pre-booking the best seats again, I was treated one last time to a wonderful view of the Himalayas, ... Read more >

Tags: flights, himalayas, mountains, nature, nepal, reflections

Back in Kathmandu!

NEPAL | Tuesday, 22 Oct 2013 | Views [617]

We're back safe and sound in the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu - constantly blazing horns, dusty roads, crowds of locals and tourists, and Nepali men trying to earn a quick rupee from five seconds of playing their traditional fiddle and calling it "Nepali ... Read more >

Tags: cities, flights, himalayas, mountains, nature, sherpa, trekking

Namaste Nepal

NEPAL | Friday, 27 Sep 2013 | Views [583]

We've touched down in Kathmandu! The flight in was amazing thanks to Dad's prebooking of the best seats for a view of the Himalayas. Being snowcapped, they were hard to spot at first but you could definitely see Everest and the rest of the world's youngest ... Read more >

Tags: cities, flights, himalayas, mountains, nature, nepal

Eating My Way Out of the UK

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 28 Aug 2013 | Views [472] | Comments [1]

So it's happening and I'm leaving - WAAAAH! :( But it's been a fabulous run for me in the UK and I enjoyed so much of it. The scenery, the friends, the weather (!), the shopping, the cities/towns/villages, EVERYTHING! Strangely though, I never got ... Read more >

Tags: european adventure, flights, food, uk

Leaving Italy Crazy for Caprese

ITALY | Monday, 1 Jul 2013 | Views [383]

I've left Italy and am on my way to Athens. I'm really hoping for a week of relaxation and continuous chill-out sessions in Santorini! I nearly left on a bad note trying to get some Caprese for breakfast. Having had copious amounts of the most ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, flights, food, sightseeing

Bohemia & Barranco

PERU | Tuesday, 9 Apr 2013 | Views [592]

I've arrived in Lima! The guy at the check-in counter in Toronto was kind enough to seat me in an empty middle row and I slept pretty much all of the flight very comfortably. Maybe a little too comfortably because I missed breakfast. :( ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, bohemian, cities, flights, friendly strangers, languages, peru

I think I am in love with Alaska

USA | Thursday, 28 Feb 2013 | Views [526]

I had a super early start today, leaving at 4am to make my 7am flight to Seattle. I must've been so sleepy that I hadn't even realized the plane had landed until I woke up to see that half the flight was already gone! Thank goodness ... Read more >

Tags: animals, bucket list, flights, friendly strangers, nature, snow, usa, winter

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