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The little adventures of Jo! Travel with me on my overdue gap year around the world :)


There are [0] photos and [17] stories tagged with "friendly strangers".


NEPAL | Tuesday, 15 Oct 2013 | Views [695]

Altitude: 4270m. This is the highest I've ever been! And I'm only going to continue climbing! We treaded through some snow (and slush) to get here. Thankfully, even with the recent weather and the conditions it's caused, it's been an alright day.... Read more >

Tags: everest base camp, friendly strangers, nature, nepal, outdoors, sherpa, snow, trekking

Tok Tok

NEPAL | Friday, 11 Oct 2013 | Views [1901]

Altitude: 2800m. It was a very enjoyable (and easy) walk from Surkhe to Tok Tok today. Tok Tok is a cute little village just past its bigger neighbour, Phakding, where most people stop to stay. It's less busy, less touristy and more cosy. The lodge ... Read more >

Tags: animals, everest base camp, friendly strangers, nepal, outdoors, trekking


NEPAL | Wednesday, 9 Oct 2013 | Views [760]

Altitude: 2350m. Today is day 2 after recommencing our trek. Though the knee hurts, especially going downhill, I feel much better in general. It's amazing the effect weather has and even more amazing, is having the right attitude. Yesterday's stint ... Read more >

Tags: animals, food, friendly strangers, himalayas, mountains, nature, nepal, outdoors, trekking

Junbesi (Day 3)

NEPAL | Monday, 7 Oct 2013 | Views [574]

Altitude: 2675m. It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining and the skies are a happy shade of azure blue, laced with white fluffy clouds. The grass is a lush green and the children are flying kites outside in the teahouse's backyard. Looking out, the ... Read more >

Tags: friendly strangers, nature, nepal, outdoors, religion, spirituality, trekking

Leaving the Country of Hakuna Matata

KENYA | Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Views [716]

Beyond the burnt down airport and the chaotic jammed-up streets of Nairobi, lies a country and experience I will hold close to my heart. Ten days in Kenya was not enough and would never be enough to fully appreciate this country. We've merely scratched ... Read more >

Tags: animals, cities, family, friendly strangers, kenya, outdoors, reflections

I Love Travelling!

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 18 Aug 2013 | Views [501]

What an unbelievable day!  When the alarm rang at 7am, I briefly woke up but drifted back to sleep. I had the strangest dream in this half hour daze where I dreamed I just got back to work and everyone was asking me questions about my year ... Read more >

Tags: dreams, european adventure, friendly strangers, friends, road trips, uk

European Brazil

GREECE | Sunday, 7 Jul 2013 | Views [523]

I like how in Greece, you have enough time to procrastinate AND still follow through with your plans. It's happened nearly everyday. I wake up after a sleep in, ponder if it's too late to do what I planned, decide to linger in thought, walk to the beach ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, boats, european adventure, friendly strangers, landmarks, sightseeing, trekking

Ciao Bella!

ITALY | Monday, 17 Jun 2013 | Views [380]

I was feeling a little down travelling from Nice into Italy. I lost my funky tripod from San Francisco, had three train rides and a bus ride ahead of me and I was tired. I was also slightly nervous about going into Italy and experiencing a new country ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, european adventure, friendly strangers, trains, trekking

Meeting a Myth

FRANCE | Monday, 10 Jun 2013 | Views [425]

I'm finally in Avignon, a town in the beautiful region of Provence in France. It's been a dream of mine to visit the lavender fields one day that are synonymous with Provence, but unfortunately, that day has yet to come. I found out a little too late ... Read more >

Tags: cities, european adventure, flowers, friendly strangers, sightseeing, trains

The Inca Trail

PERU | Sunday, 21 Apr 2013 | Views [640]

It's hard to believe that I've now ticked off some major items on my bucket list in the space of two months. The Inca Trail is the latest to be crossed off   Before the trail, I was very anxious and nervous as to how it would pan out. I had ... Read more >

Tags: bucket list, camping, friendly strangers, landmarks, nature, peru, trekking

Bohemia & Barranco

PERU | Tuesday, 9 Apr 2013 | Views [592]

I've arrived in Lima! The guy at the check-in counter in Toronto was kind enough to seat me in an empty middle row and I slept pretty much all of the flight very comfortably. Maybe a little too comfortably because I missed breakfast. :( ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, bohemian, cities, flights, friendly strangers, languages, peru

Au Revoir Montréal - je vous aime beaucoup :(

USA | Monday, 25 Mar 2013 | Views [1191]

I left Montréal with a heavy heart. I didn't expect to feel like this especially since my next stop has been my dream for a very long time - New York City. The train ride from Montréal to New York took 12 hours but was pretty scenic.... Read more >

Tags: canada, cities, food, friendly strangers, friends, nature, snow, trains, usa, winter

Snowboarding, hot yoga and a whole lotta food!

CANADA | Wednesday, 20 Mar 2013 | Views [656]

It's my last day in Calgary. I have to admit I have not done a lot of walking in the city. In fact, yesterday was the first time I walked around Lindsay's neighbourhood, Bridgelands.   It's been a very chilled out visit to say the least. I've ... Read more >

Tags: canada, cities, food, friendly strangers, friends, nature, old memories, snow, snowboarding, yoga

I love Alaska!

USA | Tuesday, 5 Mar 2013 | Views [512]

I'll say it loud and proud, I love Alaska! Only 3% of tourists coming to Alaska make it into the Artic Circle and of that, an unknown but suspiciously small percentage bother to come during winter. I am in that very minority group and am happy where ... Read more >

Tags: animals, bucket list, friendly strangers, nature, northern lights, sick, snow, usa, winter

Below freezing in Fairbanks

USA | Monday, 4 Mar 2013 | Views [411]

You realize that Anchorage isn't cold when you come to Fairbanks. This is a completely different level of cold. I think my thermals, fleece and down are required every second I am out. If I could take a quilt with me, I'd be better. And yet, there ... Read more >

Tags: friendly strangers, nature, northern lights, snow, trains, usa, winter

I think I am in love with Alaska

USA | Thursday, 28 Feb 2013 | Views [526]

I had a super early start today, leaving at 4am to make my 7am flight to Seattle. I must've been so sleepy that I hadn't even realized the plane had landed until I woke up to see that half the flight was already gone! Thank goodness ... Read more >

Tags: animals, bucket list, flights, friendly strangers, nature, snow, usa, winter

I'm in San Francisco!

USA | Sunday, 24 Feb 2013 | Views [454]

An interesting start to say the least - thanks to a few unexpected nuances.  Despite the hurdles, I'm here! :) I'm not sure if I'm a huge fan of SF yet. The roads, trams/trolleys/cable cars, hoards of tourists confuse me. It took quite ... Read more >

Tags: animals, cities, friendly strangers, landmarks, sightseeing, usa

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