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40 Years Later 40 years later, the gnome takes a step out the door to pick up where the trip turned back many years ago.

About gnome-san

Ah, well, after 25 years on the US Mexico border and a lifetime worth of adventures with hurricanes, H1N1, E-disease, dengue, TB, and interesting customers, it is time to pick up where I left off almost 40 years ago. 

Leaving Nigeria after failing to get a visa to continue working at the Nigerian Christian Hospital in Onich Ngwa, I met my future wife in Kumba, Cameroon as we saw patients together for 5 months. Alas, working for free has it limits, I turned in my round-the-world plane ticket intended for Nigeria and then to the East, got a license in South Dakota and Oklahoma, got married and then respectable, relatively, and a beautiful life ensued. 

Almost 40 years later, no one talked us out of the round-the-world ticket, so we are about to take Bilbo's first step out the door. And the real name? Brian Smith, for anyone who is looking.

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