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Photos: David_Slideshow

INDIA | Monday, 11 Jul 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Goan, Goan, Gone

INDIA | Saturday, 30 Apr 2016 | Views [675] | Comments [1]

Well, that's it I'm afraid. I am typing this from Sukhavati Community in Bethnal Green, London, which means that, sadly in a way, I am now home. There's plenty for me to update and photographs to add but for now only a few tappings from London. ... Read more >

Tags: city, coming home

Photos: David_photogallery_Goa4

INDIA | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Goan for broke

INDIA | Thursday, 7 Apr 2016 | Views [680] | Comments [1]

Well the title is a bit misleading but I like it.  I remain in Goa in my shack, by the sand, by the sea and the season unfurls around us. Last night it felt like we were the last people at a party, a situation I generally relish. I'll remain ... Read more >

Tags: beach, peddlers from karnatika

Photos: David_photogallery_Goa2

INDIA | Friday, 1 Apr 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: David_photogallery_Goa

INDIA | Tuesday, 29 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Not Goan Anywhere

INDIA | Tuesday, 29 Mar 2016 | Views [769] | Comments [1]

First off. Apologies for not writing in quite some time. I was anticipating coming home soon and had lost the heart for it. I have, however, now decided to remain in India a further 3 weeks to make full use of my visa and the opportunity to relax ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, goa

Still Here..

INDIA | Saturday, 12 Mar 2016 | Views [627] | Comments [2]

Yes, I'm still in Pune and likely to be for a while longer as I need to see a notarary lawyer about my flat. Joy!  If, however, I do not make it to Goa or Kerala, well, c'est la vie as they say in Quebec. With all this I have had some of the ... Read more >


INDIA | Monday, 7 Mar 2016 | Views [444]

As my trip draws to its conclusion my enthusiasm for writing the blog seems to be wilting. This may also have something to do with the heat in Pune and to a change in my itinerary, having spent the last month, pretty much, either on an organised pilgrimage ... Read more >

Photos: David_photogallery_Baja

INDIA | Monday, 7 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: David_photogallery_Pune

INDIA | Monday, 7 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Going Doolally

INDIA | Wednesday, 2 Mar 2016 | Views [756]

I have now arrived in Pune from Nagpur via Aurangabad. Manidhamma, having invited me to dinner the evening before, cooked by his lovely wife Sandhya and with fellow diner Sanghashree (their one year old daughter), more than kindly took me to a vodafone ... Read more >

Tags: forts, mausoleums, religious caves

Photos: David_photogallery_Aurangabad/Elora/Ajanta

INDIA | Wednesday, 2 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

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INDIA | Thursday, 25 Feb 2016 | Views [538] | Comments [1]

This is now my fifth day at Nagaloka (or more gutterally Nagloak). It has been a weird time with moments of low emotions and others that have been quite delightful. On arriving it was lovely to see Akashamitra from the London Buddhist Centre, here ... Read more >

Photos: David_photogallery_Nagpur/Nagaloka

INDIA | Tuesday, 23 Feb 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Banares Silk or 'Hindu Madness'

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Feb 2016 | Views [595]

There is a description of the lenght of time encompassed by one aeon which involves a very large rock and the rubbing of a piece of fine Banares cloth. I had not connected Banares to Varanasi before this trip but, another thing learned, found them to ... Read more >

Turning the Wheel

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Feb 2016 | Views [575]

Sravasti was left behind after one further visit to Jetta's Grove for me to enjoy its quiet and, as mentioned yesterday, reflect on my irritability.. Also, after a good Indian breakfast, Manidhamma and I having given up on mock English breakfasts. What's ... Read more >

In Praise of the Guddu

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Feb 2016 | Views [593]

Guddu was our driver on this pilgrimage, who I earlier criticised for his rally driving and honking instincts. In fairness to him, however, and as reckless and impervious to the life and limbs of other living beings he seemed (he was more concerned with ... Read more >

With the Buddha (Continued)

INDIA | Friday, 19 Feb 2016 | Views [572]

I left this story in Lumbini, specifically in the car with Manidhamma and Guddu on our way to Kapilavastu and then Sravasti. The narrative thread, however, remained in Kushinagar, the scene of the Buddha's Parinirvana, so I will pick it up from there.... Read more >

Photos: David_photogallery_Varanasi

INDIA | Thursday, 18 Feb 2016 | Photo Gallery

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