People like me who are addicted to travel don't stop just because they are at home. Between trips they plan, watch Travel Shows on television, find ways to use and display the photos and live vicariously through the travels of others. Travel becomes a lifestyle, not a holiday.
Then comes the time for another actual trip. And that's where I'm at now. Shortly I'm off to Dubai for a cruise. It's all organised, paid for and waiting for us. And - as ALWAYS, I suddenly don't want to go. Inertia has set in. I just want to stay home.
But, also as ALWAYS, I'll go. I'll tell myself that I've paid for it. I'm committed. And when I get to the airport the excitement will return. I'll have a wonderful time. And shortly after I get back I'll be reading the travel sections of the newspaper,; on the internet, and putting together my next trip. The cycle goes on.