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Cédric's Around the World Adventures Je pars en Asie pour 3 mois visiter le Vietnam, la Thailande, la malaisie, l'indonesie, l'Australie et le Japon...Tout un programme.

Trip: Asie du Sud Est - 2008

There are [42] stories from my trip: Asie du Sud Est - 2008

Retour par la Malaysie

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 25 Feb 2009 | Views [1792]

Donc je suis parti des Guilis en Indonésie. Initialement je pensais passer par Yogijakarta et voir le mont Bromo. Malheureusement, j'ai cru que j'allais manquer de temps pour voir un peu la Malaysie et j'ai ... Read more >

Tags: geek, kuala lumpur, malaysie, mall, mélaka, netbooks, petrons towers

Gallery: Mélaka

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 25 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Sur le chemin de Singapour - une petite ville malaisienne aux influences, chinoise, indienne, hollandaise et anglaise...
See all 72 photos >>

Gallery: Kuala Lumpur

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 22 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Pics of my errands around the Malaysian capital
See all 101 photos >>

Kickin' it back on the Guilis

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009 | Views [1717] | Comments [3]

    So after Kintamani, I managed to get to Pandangbai after another costly private ride for which I bargained a lot and still got a lameass prize. I will get good at this someday... In Ubud, Natacha told me about ... Read more >

Tags: ferry, guili tavangan, lombok, snorkelling, sunset

Gallery: Guili Trawangan

INDONESIA | Monday, 16 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Les iles de Lombok
See all 76 photos >>

Sur le mont Batur

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 11 Feb 2009 | Views [4737] | Comments [5]

    Lors de mon tour à Ubud, j'ai mentionné la vue sur le mont et le lac Batur (prononcé « Batour »). Il s'agit d'une immense cuvette de verdure où l'on peut apercevoir des traces de coulées de lave lors de la dernière ... Read more >

Tags: bali, batur, indonésie, source chaude, trekk, volcan

Gallery: Kintamani - the volcano

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 10 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Pics from my trekk on the Batur Mount
See all 72 photos >>

Ubud-iful !

INDONESIA | Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Views [1699] | Video

Yes, that's it – I have now moved on to a more authentic and still quite touristy part of the the Bali island. The place is called Ubud and is well known for its art, authentic balinese dance performances and its ... Read more >

Tags: bahrong, bali, indonesia, scooter, temples, ubud

Gallery: Ubud-iful

INDONESIA | Sunday, 8 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Les environs d'Ubud
See all 250 photos >>

Gallery: Kuta cra cra

INDONESIA | Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Pics from Kuta and tour in Bali
See all 178 photos >>

Kuta Cra Cra - Bali, très joli !

INDONESIA | Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 | Views [3500] | Comments [4]

Comme annoncé dans mon dernier post, je suis maintenant en Indonésie sur l'île de Bali. Après un mois de grand soleil and Thaïlande, l'arrivée sous le ciel indonésien est un peu abrupte : il pleut. Oui il pleut ... Read more >

Tags: bali, bats, beach, bedugul, indonésie, kuta, monkeys, surf, tanah lot

Boum Bidi Pai Pai

THAILAND | Wednesday, 28 Jan 2009 | Views [1698] | Comments [2]

    If you thought my last post was the last one about Thailand, you got misled. After the trek in Chiang Mai, my plan was to join a meditation center for a few days to experience life as a buddhist monk and get a kick start on incorporating meditation ... Read more >

Tags: bungalow, geckos, hippies, hot springs, pai, spider, thai cooking course, thailand

Gallery: Boum Bidi Pai Pai

THAILAND | Tuesday, 27 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

Few days in a hippitastic little city in northern Thailand : PAI
See all 49 photos >>

Chiang Mai, mon Amour

THAILAND | Sunday, 25 Jan 2009 | Views [3663] | Comments [6]

    Me voici de retour pour mon dernier post sur la Thaïlande. Après le retour sur Bangkok depuis Ko Phi Phi et le départ de Robin, j'ai décidé de partir faire un tour dans le nord du pays. La ville s'appelle Chiang Mai, deuxième plus grande cité ... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, elephants, rafting, thailand, trekk

Gallery: Nothern Thailand

THAILAND | Sunday, 25 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

Chiang Mai adventures
See all 130 photos >>

Bangkok Madness – The return ...

THAILAND | Tuesday, 20 Jan 2009 | Views [1084] | Comments [1]

Yeah, I need to lose a bit of weight, I know...Onwards... Bangkok truly is a huge city. Returning from Ko Phi Phi, Robin and I have landed again on Kaohsan Road also known as Backpacker's heaven. This ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, kaosan road, pagoda, temples, thai boxing, thailand

Gallery: Bangkok Madness - Le Retour

THAILAND | Tuesday, 20 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

Un autre gallerie de mon second sejour a Bangkok
See all 133 photos >>

Sur les traces de Leonardo

THAILAND | Wednesday, 14 Jan 2009 | Views [2265] | Comments [10] | Video

Nous avons finalement quitté la folie de Bangkok pour partir vers l'île de Ko Phi Phi (prononcer « Co Pi Pi »). Après deux heures de vol et trente minutes de taxi, nous arrivons à Phuket. De là, nous prendrons ... Read more >

Tags: beach, koh phi phi, phuket, thai boxing, thailande, tsunami, volley ball

Gallery: Phuket and Ko Phi Phi

THAILAND | Friday, 9 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

Thai islands
See all 86 photos >>

Bangkok madness !@£$£@!

THAILAND | Wednesday, 7 Jan 2009 | Views [1958] | Comments [3]

After a short flight with Vietnam Airlines departing from Hanoi in Vietnam – Robin and I (I almost feel like batman saying that...) arrive in Bangkok. Temperature is back to 30° with a clear blue cloudless sky. I am really ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, boat cruise, kaohsan road, nana district, thailand

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