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There are [15] photos and [23] stories about Thailand

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Penang Visa Run

Thursday, 7 Jun 2012 | Views [10258] | Comments [7]

Currently I’m laid in my very bland, but clean room in Penang, Malaysia, halfway through my visa-run. The blandness of the walls kind of match my mood – that numb, empty, though not unpleasant feeling that I sometimes have when arriving in ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, malaysia, penang, tourist visa, visa, visa malaysia, visa penang, visa run malaysia

Best Laid Plans...

Tuesday, 30 Aug 2011 | Views [537]

The first time I've ever missed Thailand transport was this morning. You know, as I got there really early and checked in my ticket for my visa-run trip, I had a funny feeling that everything seemed just a little bit too easy... "You come back ten ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, mayanmar, travelling, visa run, visa run koh tao to burma

Strange Feeling Today....

Tuesday, 30 Aug 2011 | Views [484]

Just for a moment, one random moment, I felt like something was missing in my life made more noticeable by the fact that I 'had everything'. I'd just checked in my ticket for the catamaran to start my visa run, I had a nice little rucksack on with ... Read more >

Herpes Zoster

Friday, 26 Aug 2011 | Views [1301]

So after being misdiagnosed as having sinus inflammation and/or sinusitis and even having the rash that developed later dismissed by one doctor on koh tao as merely a secondary bacterial infection, I had one day feeling particularly ill and decided that ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, herpes zoster, herpes zoster opthalmicus, travelling

Oh How Things Change....

Tuesday, 23 Aug 2011 | Views [444]

My idyllic start on Ko Tao went rapidly downhill. I'm now sat in 'Choppers' because I need to have breakfast with my painkillers and they do half-price here between 9 and 10. Hopefully the painkillers will dull what is, at the moment, excruciating ... Read more >

Bangkok to Kho Tao

Saturday, 13 Aug 2011 | Views [530]

As Bangkok became smaller in the distance I could hear its low bass-like groans and cries as it lamented my escape. The living breathing beast had not got me. I flopped into the warm embrace of the dive resort on Kho Tao, already feeling ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok kho tao diving divemaster rescue diver th

Crunch Time!

Tuesday, 9 Aug 2011 | Views [430]

About five hours ago I decided not to go to the UK, but to go to Kho Tao and do my Divemasters. I went to their office in Bangkok and paid for the whole thing in one. I was in real turmoil earlier today, but now I'm sat having a quiet beer and a cigarette, ... Read more >

My 'Thai Date'

Sunday, 7 Aug 2011 | Views [630]

If you could call it that. The moment she walked in, all my anxieties were dispelled, because her energy was so relaxed and, I don't know how to put it, 'innocent' maybe? She's no virgin and she knows what's going on. I really don't know how to put ... Read more >

Tags: asian women, backpacking, bangkok, dating, feminism, feminist, thailand

Full Circle

Friday, 5 Aug 2011 | Views [510]

So I'm sat in the same guesthouse in Bangkok I started my travels in 10 weeks ago. The same attractive girl is here in the same yellow dress trying to lure people in from the entrance. But it has free wi-fi and comfortable seats. It's a nice atmosphere.... Read more >

Post-South Thailand, Motorbiking and Crashes

Friday, 24 Jun 2011 | Views [1779]

So on it was from Krabi and through Bangkok up to Chiang Mai. I didn't even stay a night in Bangkok - I really don't like that place! Maybe I should stay away from Ko San road though... After taking the nightbus (and seemingly getting 180 quid stolen ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, chiang mai, chiang rai, hostel, hostels, motorbike touring, northern thailand, phayao, phrao, pong

Railey to Bangkok

Thursday, 16 Jun 2011 | Views [554]

Ponchos can be useful here if you need to keep your bag dry, but most people just get wet, because it's warm and wet. Saw a poncho out yesterday from a well-prepared German couple in their 50's. They've been backpacking every year since they've ... Read more >

Hanging Out Back

Wednesday, 15 Jun 2011 | Views [292]

Well it's time to move on and I feel sad to be leaving Marcel and Clare. They've been absolutely awesome people to hang out with. Great memories and I'm proud to call them friends. Had Hannah and Helen's last night last night which was a good craic ... Read more >

Ride that Wave

Sunday, 12 Jun 2011 | Views [471] | Comments [1]

It's occurred to me that solo travel, if you want it to be, can be like surfing a wave - a wave of people, friends, acquaintances, travel-buddies - whatever you want to call the various people you hang-out with. Once you start your travels you inevitably ... Read more >


Monday, 6 Jun 2011 | Views [591]

Had the best day EVER!!! Off-road biking round Koh Tao exploring the island. SO much fun I can't describe. And at the end of the day I took a ride down the coast road and stumbled on a big local event - a series of football matches and all the locals ... Read more >


Monday, 6 Jun 2011 | Views [428]

Teaming up with a guy called Marcel who is leaving his wife and her friends for a few days while they go to Koh Samui and we go to Krabi and Railay Beach to do some climbing. Good times!!!

Diving diving and more diving

Sunday, 5 Jun 2011 | Views [517] | Comments [1]

Otherwise known as 'the death of the bank balance'. It's oh so easy here to just do dive after dive! In fact, I think pretty much the whole of Thailand has now developed into one massive incredibly well-evolved money-extraction machine. Obviously though, ... Read more >

Diving & Ladyboys

Friday, 3 Jun 2011 | Views [710] | Comments [2]

Well things here in Kho Tao are very cool. I've just done my first day of the advanced open water course - basically consists of doing some diving and learning a few more skills - nothing too taxing so far! Just done my first night dive which was VERY ... Read more >

Tags: kho tao lotus bar big blue diving

The Kho Sam Road Machine and Thai Pharmacy

Wednesday, 1 Jun 2011 | Views [760] | Comments [1]

So me and Mike were sat in a cafe deciding where to go and decided on Ko Tao and I say, 'so where do we organise transport', I turn my head to the right and walk five paces and I'm inside a travel agent. You don't have to shop around in this area because ... Read more >

Get The Hell Out Of Dodge

Tuesday, 31 May 2011 | Views [506] | Comments [1]

Me and the Scottish Legend Mike are now waiting for our bus and boat to Ko Tao. I'm going to do my PADI Advanced Open Water and Mike is actually going to do his PADI Open Water course on my recommendation! We met up this morning and he didn't care where ... Read more >

Photos: Thailand 2011

Tuesday, 31 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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