Neither of us speak more than a few words of German yet we feel almost at home here in Deutschland. Everything is neat, clean and orderly. There is a perfect mix of new and classical, contemporary and quaint, urban and rural, good food and drink.
We were able to keep our room at the Ramstein Inn for a few days while waiting for Connie's follow-up appointment. Besides being one of the nicest places imaginable ot stay, Ramstein is convenient for several World Heritage sites. We have been sandwiching touristy things between medical appointments - cathedrals, abbeys, charming towns and, surprisingly, a 20th Century iron works. You can't neglect the industriousness of the Germans! The Volkingen Iron Works was an innovator in producing pig iron, the basic material for wrought iron and eventually, steel. It's a bit rusty today, but still fascinating to see, especially through the camera's lens. And leave it to the Germans to integrate urban art into the vast space.
Volkingen Iron Works
In direct contrast is the Maulbronn Monastery, the cutest little village you can imagine. If only the sun were shining, a rare event we are told in November. Unlike Volkingen, Maulbronn is still active today, 850 years after its birth. The monastery has a rich history and, like the country, has changed hands over and over throughout the centuries. We didn't visit the monastery proper but did enjoy the surrounding buildings and the fall colors.