All eyes looked expectantly down the tracks as if this act would make the train miraculously appear. Well, it worked. Eventually. “Premiere classe” from Tunis to Sousse is clean but just basic and we wonder what second class is like. There wasn’t much to see along the way except olive trees standing sentry over fields of garbage and the occasional herd of sheep. We arrived an hour late but the delay hardly mattered; today is a travel day with nothing special planned.
(A few days later: The short express train back to Tunis was all "premiere classe," it was on time and it was a joy to ride.)

Just down the beach from the bombing
We learned later on BBC that about the time our train was pulling into the station, a man with a bomb was seen entering an upscale hotel. When questioned by security, he ran towards the beach where the bomb exploded, killing him. We have heard nothing more of the incident. All this happened about 500 meters from our beachfront hotel. You just never know!