Cruises seem to be especially appealing to the old, the fat and the infirm. I don't remember seeing nearly as many wheelchairs, walkers and canes on our previous trip, not to mention electric scooters. Sure, there were some young couples and even a handful of pretty well-mannered kids but the age curve skewed more towards ancient.

Kids cruise, too
There is plenty to keep the old folks occupied; stage shows, sing-alongs, dance lessons and a variety of games. Even ice skating. But eating is the main activity with everything from sushi to prime rib with deserts to match. We skipped the formal dining, prefering the evening buffet in the cafeteria. There is more variety, you can eat when you want, skip dessert without offending your tablemates.

Atlantic sunset
But that's not really our thing, you know. For us it was pretty much eat, sleep, read. Repeat. We did speed-walk 3 or 4 miles every day on the track, not easy on a rocking ship moving at 20 knots into 25 knot winds. I spent a lot of time stretching and doing yoga in the gym followed by a spell in the steam room.