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Living the Dream

Trip: Indonesia

There are [102] stories from my trip: Indonesia

Freak out on the bullet proof bus

INDONESIA | Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 | Views [366]

Us poor, poor contracts have to head down the mountain to the lowlands every time we are due to update our KITA’s and finger prints. And yes we don’t get why we need to get a new picture and finger prints every 6-9months. We don’t change ... Read more >

Tembagapura Survival Night

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 25 Sep 2012 | Views [1062]

Surviving Tembagapura is a task and a half. Anyone who feels they won’t be able to survive where we live, then I’m sorry that’s just nonsense. We have survived here through pop shootings, mud slides, chopper crashing, strikes and everything ... Read more >

Home Made Sausages on the Mountain

INDONESIA | Saturday, 1 Sep 2012 | Views [405]

So living in the most Muslim part of the world makes you miss the simple things in life – pork sausages. And not the cheap kind, good butcher sausages or in my case the Costco Butcher sausages. There is nothing better than having a good sausage ... Read more >

Another farewell to June

INDONESIA | Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 | Views [380]

So it seems it’s like dominos out here. Once one leaves it’s an ongoing process of more and more friends leaving. And I hate it. Julz only left 3 weeks ago and here we are again with another farewell. June was an amazing person to know.... Read more >

Goodbye to Good Friends

INDONESIA | Friday, 3 Aug 2012 | Views [344]

The hardest thing about living here is the friendship you make and people who leave. The day after my birthday my good friend Julz came down to tell me she was leaving. I hate being told people are leaving. Before I flew back at the start of May I ... Read more >

Flash Gordon (of pain)

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 24 Jul 2012 | Views [402]

So living on top of a mountain in a country that add whitener to all skin products and hate bacon there is no surprise when I say there is no beauty treatments here that I have back home. Yes I am talking about waxing. So while I was home ... Read more >

Gobey is home

INDONESIA | Sunday, 22 Jul 2012 | Views [351]

WHOOP WHOOP Gobey is home at long last. It’s been a very long week on my own. The birthday lunch on the Monday was good but the evenings drag on when you’re on your own. But now we have some answers, lots of pills and bloods needing redone ... Read more >

A week with no Gobey but I do have Mr Grey

INDONESIA | Saturday, 21 Jul 2012 | Views [417]

So Gobey has been gone only a few days and I have been stuck to my kindle reading Mr Grey. What a fabulous read. I am stuck to reading chapter after chapter and I will be honest I haven’t been in bed asleep before 4am in days. I get up at 6.45am and ... Read more >

Happy Birthday for Kingy

INDONESIA | Monday, 16 Jul 2012 | Views [343]

Happy Birthday to me! Waking up to get your own breakfast and a smile at yourself in the mirror. No Gobey but at least I have cards from home and a few presents to open. I also have a lunch date with some ladies that are left here on ... Read more >

Gobey is off to Singapore

INDONESIA | Saturday, 14 Jul 2012 | Views [432]

So it’s confirmed Gobey has to head to Singapore to get seen by a specialist and get everything double confirmed about the Rheumatoid Arthritis. The first appointment is booked for Monday so he has to fly down today and leave Timika on Sunday so he ... Read more >

Bad news for poor Gobey

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 4 Jul 2012 | Views [376]

So it’s been nearly 3 months since Gobey got bite in Jakarta at the rugby and has been 3 weeks since we were sitting in a doctors room in Dereham because he could hardly walk with a sore leg and bad hands. When we were in Dereham the doctor suggested ... Read more >

It’s a flood out

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2012 | Views [348]

Well life back on the mountain after being away for 7 weeks is bound to have something come up and make it a disaster. And you guessed it, it happened to us. Now I was out at the cafe having lunch with friends and Gobey came past to eat ... Read more >

The last minute packing (of course)

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 24 Jun 2012 | Views [351]

It’s an early start to the day. Need to get the house back in order, bags packed and goodbyes to everyone who will pop round. And I will say that we haven’t even started to pack yet. I did however buy myself a new ‘handbag’, Jasper Conran ... Read more >

Portsoy Boat show and the rain

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 24 Jun 2012 | Views [341]

Mum has organised us all to go to the Portsoy boat show as a last family day before we fly out on Monday. So as me and Gobey don’t have a car we get to climb in with mum and dad. Dad driving of course and it’s a long drive to Portsoy too.... Read more >

Family night at the Pub and Police ride home

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 22 Jun 2012 | Views [303]

Friday night at the pub is always a good thing. And we don’t get nights to the pub with the whole family very often. And I will say that also included dad!!!!!!! So we had a few drinks at the Spiders and as the night got later we all decided to leave, ... Read more >

Photos: UK Road Trip June 2012 part 1

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

UK Road Trip
See all 50 photos >>

Photos: UK Road Trip June 2012 part 4

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

UK road trip
See all 48 photos >>

Photos: UK Road Trip June 2012 part 3

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

UK road trip
See all 50 photos >>

The Train back to Aberdeen

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 19 Jun 2012 | Views [371]

So after driving through the night from Dereham to Glasgow with a stopover at the services for a sleep before we head back with the camper. The place where the camper is based is 45mins drive from Glasgow and as the guy took forever to ... Read more >

Photos: UK Road Trip June 2012 part 2

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 19 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery

UK road trip
See all 50 photos >>

Dover and Dereham bound

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 16 Jun 2012 | Views [420]

Oh the white cliffs of Dover. Not really as white as I thought but hey, never been here before so its a tick off the list. We arrived late to Dover and parked just along the beach front. Listening to the sea crashing against the rocks while ... Read more >

London Baby

INDONESIA | Friday, 15 Jun 2012 | Views [645]

Up, dressed and ready to go. We have parked in a car park in Woking so we are able to get the train straight into London centre. Everyone is so excited. We get a better deal with the trains if we travel after 9.30am once all the workers ... Read more >

Stonehenge CLOSED

INDONESIA | Thursday, 14 Jun 2012 | Views [459]

Mid morning start, all washed and ready to hit the road. The plan today is to head to Stonehenge and from there head to somewhere on the outskirts of London as tomorrow is a very early start and a full day round London. London is going ... Read more >

Blackpool Tower and a Birthday

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 13 Jun 2012 | Views [422]

Back on the road again and we are heading for Blackpool. 360miles down and only another 2000 or so to go. The plan so far when we get to Blackpool is get washing down and head into town. We want to do Blackpool tower tour and maybe something else. We ... Read more >

The Lakes

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 12 Jun 2012 | Views [439]

Hello to the Lakes. This place never gets old and always looks good. We have a camp site for the day and night, so we freshen up after the drive and head out to the town. The Lakes are always busy and being we have arrived in June makes ... Read more >

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