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Trip: Southeast Asia and Australia

There are [24] stories from my trip: Southeast Asia and Australia

It's all about money

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 8 Feb 2011 | Views [495] | Comments [1]

Don’t ever think something is well organized because some altruist is passionate about it. Ultimately, it is always money that it boils down to. Let me quote an example. The National Harvest Trail (“Work your way around Australia”) has been developed ... Read more >

Australien – Aller Anfang ist schwer Teil 2

ITALY | Friday, 28 Jan 2011 | Views [590]

Keine Ahnung, woran es liegt, aber wenn ich zum ersten Mal in einer völlig unbekannten Umgebung bin, dann brauche ich erstmal Zeit, um mich einzugewöhnen. So auch in Down Under. Schon am Flughafen in Brisbane wurde mein Bilderrahmen vom Elefantentrekking ... Read more >

Klettern in Railey

THAILAND | Friday, 21 Jan 2011 | Views [714]

Meine Reisen bestätigen Folgendes immer wieder. -           Reden muss man mit den Leuten. Mund auf und raus mit dem, was einem auf dem Herzen liegt. Das hätte Kriege verhindern können. -           Gelegenheiten müssen ... Read more >

Photos: Corso di cucina tailandese

THAILAND | Tuesday, 11 Jan 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Corso di cucina tailandese

THAILAND | Tuesday, 11 Jan 2011 | Views [403]

Oggi ho fatto un corso di cucina tailandese perche è da un po’di tempo che vorrei sapere cosa mangio… Eravamo un gruppo simpatico: due tedeschi, cinque australiani, due francesi, due inglesi, io e la nostra insegnante tailandese di nome Ya. Il bello della ... Read more >

Photos: Straβen in Koh Tao

THAILAND | Tuesday, 11 Jan 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Diving in Koh Tao

THAILAND | Tuesday, 11 Jan 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Straβen in Koh Tao

THAILAND | Saturday, 8 Jan 2011 | Views [470]

Die Straβen in Koh Tao sind ein Kapitel fϋr sich. Obwohl dieses Inselchen gerade mal 21 Quadratkilometer groβ ist (ungefähr 3 mal 7 Kilometer) und man in ein paar Stunden leicht von einem Ende zum anderen gehen könnte, sind Straβen hier unbedingt ... Read more >

Diving in Koh Tao

THAILAND | Saturday, 8 Jan 2011 | Views [696]

In a lucky moment of non-thinking I subscribed to the PADI Open Water Diving Course in Koh Tao. This small island is the best place to do it: stunning reefs, friendly people and competitive prices. After two strenuous days of theory and some ... Read more >

Photos: Laos

LAOS | Saturday, 8 Jan 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Kayaking - I know that I am special

LAOS | Saturday, 1 Jan 2011 | Views [555]

I always knew I was somewhat special. Kayaking from Vang Vieng to Vientiane in Laos definitely confirmed it. Everything began very normal. Book a kayaking trip, hop onto the tuk-tuk, go to the river, put on a life-jacket and a helmet, listen to the ... Read more >

Reisen und Reisedurchfall

THAILAND | Thursday, 23 Dec 2010 | Views [462]

Zur Zeit reise ich mit einer bunt gemischten Gruppe: drei Katalanen (dass mir niemand sagt, das wären Spanier), einem aus Quebec (dass mir niemand sagt, er wäre Kanadier), einem Italiener (dass mir niemand sagt, er wäre ein Terrone), zwei Schwedinnen ... Read more >

Langsam geht es

THAILAND | Saturday, 18 Dec 2010 | Views [428]

Allmählich gewöhne ich mich an das Leben in Thailand. Ich kann Essbares von nicht Essbarem unterscheiden*. Manchmal weiss ich sogar, was ich esse. Ich kann auf eine Toilette gehen, ohne mich ernsthaft zu verletzen. Ich kann bitte und danke ... Read more >

Laid-back Thailand?

THAILAND | Saturday, 18 Dec 2010 | Views [502] | Comments [1]

During the trekking around Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand our group went past a local school as well. As a kindergarten teacher, I was interested in learning something about the education system but how could I find out more about it? By walking into ... Read more >

How easy it is to get around in Thailand

THAILAND | Monday, 13 Dec 2010 | Views [480] | Comments [1]

I have to admit it. I chose Thailand as my travel destination because I heard it is easy to get around. How true. What that actually means I only discovered when I arrived in the country. Thai people are certainly not fond of walking as maybe some ... Read more >

Photos: Aller Anfang ist schwer

THAILAND | Monday, 13 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Lopburi - Citta delle scimmie

THAILAND | Thursday, 9 Dec 2010 | Views [689] | Comments [1]

Dopo aver avuto la fortuna di passare un'intera giornata da una famiglia thailandese, ho deciso di rimanere ancora una notte nella citta di Lopburi per osservare i macachi che vivono tranquillamente tra condomini, macchine e traffico. Sono delle scimmie ... Read more >

Photos: Arschprobleme und Arsch haben

THAILAND | Sunday, 5 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Arschprobleme und Arsch haben

ITALY | Sunday, 5 Dec 2010 | Views [782]

Nachdem ich nun gelernt habe, auf thailändische Toiletten zu kraxeln und mich mit einer Schüssel Wasser zu duschen, war ich überzeugt, auch im Dschungel keine allzu schlechte Figur zu machen. Gedacht, getan. Nach zwei Tagen mit einem sehr witzigen Nordengländer ... Read more >

"You are soo European" my travel buddy says

ITALY | Wednesday, 1 Dec 2010 | Views [454] | Comments [1]

Here in Thailand everything is an adventure for little Marlene on her great tour. It starts with getting up and wanting to go to the toilet. The first and most important action in the morning. Get up, find your way to the toilet, sit down comfortably, ... Read more >

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