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There are [63] photos and [17] stories about Guatemala

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Day 58 - Flores

Friday, 25 Jul 2014 | Views [305]

I didn't manage to get a shuttle to Belize sorted in time so it's another day in Flores. Lindy is hoping to stay & line up a trek to El Mirador. It would be great to go but I have to get to the dive course so I'm on track to meet Dad in Honduras ... Read more >

Day 57- Tikal

Thursday, 24 Jul 2014 | Views [281]

Managed a morning run around the tiny town of Flores. Entire place done in 12 minutes or so. A couple of laps in 90% humidity was well & truly enough! After brunch & some trip admin we headed to Tikal for the afternoon & a sunset tour.... Read more >

Day 56 - Flores

Wednesday, 23 Jul 2014 | Views [351]

Tried to go for a run around Lanquin but only managed around half an hour before was being outnumbered by trucks, bikes & pedestrians. A small & sweaty early effort nonetheless. Our journey to Flores today was nothing short of horrible. The ... Read more >

Day 55 - Semuc Champey

Wednesday, 23 Jul 2014 | Views [283]

We set off to Semuc Champey & the Kam'ba Caves at around 8.30am. Arriving at around 9.30am we started out in the cave, walking, swimming & climbing almost 1km into the dark. We had candles to guide us through and it was a pretty amazing experience.... Read more >

Day 54 - Lanquin

Wednesday, 23 Jul 2014 | Views [316]

Nice Sunday breakfast at the rainbow cafe in Antigua followed by a trip to the markets to find water shoes to cave in. Collected our washing & went to an amazing little cafe for lunch before getting on the bus to Lanquin. After around 10hrs ... Read more >

Day 53 - Volcan Acatenango

Wednesday, 23 Jul 2014 | Views [421]

A brisk 4.30am wake up & walk to the summit of Volcan Acatenango marked the fourth volcano we've conquered in Central America. Sunrise at the top was amazing. Accompanied by our mountain guide dog, actual guides - Oseas & Mario as a a Canadian ... Read more >

Day 52 - Volcan Fuego

Monday, 21 Jul 2014 | Views [338]

Sunrise over the volcanoes at 5.50am was spectacular. With breakfast by the campfire at 6.30am we left around 7.30 with Nere & Osso to climb to the shoulder of Volcan Fuego. We were meant to take around 2-3hrs to get there but we were at the top ... Read more >

Day 51 - The Double Header Volcano Trek

Sunday, 20 Jul 2014 | Views [368]

Today we set out from Antigua to La Solidad (2,300m) for a 6hr climb to base camp for Volcan Fuego & Volcan Acatenango (around 3,975m). We were led by our guide Oseas & assistant Nere & inherited a little dog called Osso for the journey.... Read more >

Day 50 - Antigua

Thursday, 17 Jul 2014 | Views [371]

We ventured out early to find a cute little cafe (Rainbow cafe) we had seen last night to grab some breakfast & map out the day. After the Central American standard 'desayuno'- eggs, beans & tortillas we then had to find a new hostel as ours ... Read more >

Day 49 - Antigua

Wednesday, 16 Jul 2014 | Views [335]

We spent almost the entire day in transit from Lake Antitlan to Antigua. We were crammed into a tiny private shuttle with a heap of other travellers including at least 7 friendly & funny Irish backpackers. The journey got a little hairy at ... Read more >

Day 48 - Volcan San Pedro

Tuesday, 15 Jul 2014 | Views [309]

We were off at 5am to start the climb up Volcan San Pedro and were joined by a lovely young English couple - Ruth & Dustin. We walked up, and up, and up and eventually reached the summit at 3,020m with a birds eye view of Lake Antitlan & the ... Read more >

Day 47 - San Pedro La Laguna

Monday, 14 Jul 2014 | Views [253]

After a morning run we cooked up a bunch of leftover veggies for breakfast & set out to kayak for a couple of hours. It wasn't ideal kayaking weather & we had a but of chop & strong headwinds but we paddled about for almost 2 hours checking ... Read more >

Day 46 - Lake Antitlan - San Pedro & San Marco La Laguna

Sunday, 13 Jul 2014 | Views [1600]

We left early from Xela and arrived in Panajchel by bus before getting a boat to San Pedro La Laguna. We settled into our hotel - a little way back from the main stretch, good views, hammocks & less than $3 a night! After a tasty lunch of tacos ... Read more >

Day 45 - Xela

Sunday, 13 Jul 2014 | Views [279]

Today we did a lot of travel and life admin sitting on rooftop balconies in the sun having coffee or tucked up in funky cafés enjoying amazing smoothies with fresh fruit for a pittance! We sampled some traditional Mayan food for lunch, although ... Read more >

Photos: Guatemala

Friday, 11 Jul 2014 | Photo Gallery

Volcanoes, Lakes, chicken buses & more!
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Day 44 - Volcan Tajumulco

Thursday, 10 Jul 2014 | Views [786]

To celebrate Lindy's Birthday & to conquer the highest point in Central America we set out before 5am on the journey to trek Guatamala's Volcan Tajumulco. At a height of 4,220m the Volcano last erupted around 200 years ago & is a steep uphill ... Read more >

Day 43 - Guatemala

Wednesday, 9 Jul 2014 | Views [243]

Today was another long transit day with three buses and road border crossings into Guatemala from Mexico. We made it safe & sound to the quiet mountain transit town of Quetzaltenango or Xela as the locals call it. Whilst the road trip was a ... Read more >



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