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Photos: Peru

PERU | Monday, 3 Nov 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Day 157 - Lima

PERU | Monday, 3 Nov 2014 | Views [315]

Coming to terms with another large night I cooked some breakfast at the hostel, packed & made the bus by around 10.30am. I was slightly worried that if it took as long as the bus from Quito I would be cutting it fine to get my flight and I wasn’... Read more >

Day 156 - Banos

ECUADOR | Monday, 3 Nov 2014 | Views [307]

After getting to bed as the sun came up I only really had a short nap and then made some breakfast at the hostel. Radek and I watched a movie before I went to meet Steph and her spanish school mates for coffee and lunch at yet another fabulous little ... Read more >

Day 155 - Ruta de las Cascadas

ECUADOR | Monday, 3 Nov 2014 | Views [425]

Our same group from the Casa Del Arbol mission reconvened for a market breakfast and then a day of cycling through Banos’ Rutas de las Cascadas, showcasing some of Ecuador’s 60 best waterfalls. We managed to negotiate bikes for $4 each for ... Read more >

Day 154 - Casa Del Arbol

ECUADOR | Monday, 3 Nov 2014 | Views [287]

A random mixed group of us left the hostel nice and early for breakfast at the market and then the supposed four hour hike up to Casa Del Arbol to play on the giant swing. There was Radek and myself, a German girl, Yohanna and two Swedish girls, Antonia ... Read more >

Day 153 - Banos

ECUADOR | Monday, 3 Nov 2014 | Views [347]

Enjoyed a slow morning breakfast taking in the view from the Secret Garden terrace before heading to the bus station for the commute to Banos. The bus was meant to take around 3 hours and while it took a good 5 hours the upside was that I made a fantastic ... Read more >

Day 152 - Isla Santa Cruz & Return to Quito

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [452]

Saw my last sunrise in the Galapagos from the comfort of my bunk on board before we bundled up our stuff and bid farewell to the King of the Sea, thanking the crew for a great journey.  Our final activity for the morning was to visit the highlands ... Read more >

Day 151 - Galapagos Islands - Isla Floreana

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [446]

We finally cruised into the calmer waters off Isla Floreana around 4am. Despite pretty much not sleeping throughout the night I was up by 5am sitting on deck, sipping coffee watching the misty rain (guarua) come down. As the sun came up there was the ... Read more >

Day 150 - Galapagos Islands - Isla Espanola

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [326]

Woke up to see the sunrise over Espanola Island, pretty spectacular start to the day, sitting on deck taking in the view with a few cups of coffee. After breakfast we headed to yet another incredible beach, sharing a morning walk with more sea lion ... Read more >

Day 149 - Galapagos Islands - Isla Lobos

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [374]

I woke up to see the sunrise over Isla Lobos from my bunk bed and to the sounds of seals barking on the rocks nearby. Pretty sweet eh?  We started early with a walk around Isla Lobos, trying to make our way around the hundreds of sea lion pups, ... Read more >

Day 148 - Galapagos Islands - Isla San Cristobal

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [412]

We arrived at Isla San Cristobal early in the morning and started the day with a walk around Punta Pitt. We hiked up to a lookout, spotting numerous Blue Footed Boobies, Nazca Boobies, Red Footed Boobies, giant cactuses and some incredible basalt rock ... Read more >

Day 147 - Galapagos Islands - Isla Santa Fe

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [331]

We arrived in the early hours of the morning to Santa Fe, and then headed to Isla Plazas where we saw Masked Boobies, at least a million sea lions, including little suckling baby sealions, sharks, land iguanas, marine iguanas and the most incredible ... Read more >

Day 146 - Galapagos Islands - Puerto Ayoro & Seymour

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [387]

We spent the morning wandering around Puerto Ayora and touring the Charles Darwin breeding centre. Along the way to the breeding centre we stopped by the local fish market and watched as the fishermen cut up their catch, putting some on the bench for ... Read more >

Day 145 - Galapagos Islands - Isla Santa Cruz

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [391]

A 6am cab to the airport, smooth check in and then I was all set for my eight day adventure in the Galapagos Islands. The flight stopped for a good hour in Guayaquil but landed in Baltra on time, around Midday Galapagos time. At the airport I couldn’... Read more >

Day 144 - Laguna Quilotoa & Toachi Canyon

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [419]

Another early morning start after a latish night I made it to Plaza Foch to meet up with my tour to Quilotoa by 6.30am.  Everyone on the bus was so friendly we quickly had a great little group for the day trip and settled in for the ride. ... Read more >

Day 143 - Otavalo, Cotacachi & Laguna Cuicocha

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [399]

Managed to be up, ready and on the bus by 6am for the long drive to Otavalo. There was a great group of people on the bus and we all chatted for the four or so hours it took us to get to our first stop. Once at the markets me and Lisa, a nice Dutch ... Read more >

Day 142 - Quito

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [288]

Another leisurely breakfast on the hostel roof taking in the view over multiple cups of tea I then set out to find several realiable ATMs from which I could make multiple withdrawals to pay for the Galapagos tour. It took me around 2 hours and eight ... Read more >

Day 141 - Quito

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [303]

Was up by 7.30am and spent a good two hours sitting on the rooftop drinking cups of tea with milk (a total luxury) staring at the amazing views of Quito and doing a little trip planning.  The boys joined me for breakfast and then headed off ... Read more >

Day 140 - Ecuador

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [277]

Got on the road by around 7am. Took a taxi to the bus station, a collective to Ipiales and then a collectivo taxi to Rumichaca getting to the Ecuadorian border around 9.30am. Had a super smooth run through immigration, walked into Ecuador and then ... Read more >

Day 139 - Pasto

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 28 Oct 2014 | Views [321]

Woke up from a not very restful bus slumber at 6.30am and sat quietly staring out at the mountains and trying not to think about when I would finally arrive in Pasto. The wifi dropped in and out on the bus which was a great distraction when it worked ... Read more >

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