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Back in London

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 14 Feb 2008 | Views [322]

So here we are back in London town. feels so good to not be living out of a pack anymore and actually having a wardrobe. our first day back was awesome because we basically drank tea and watched dvds. slept like a baby. went back to church again on ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NETHERLANDS | Thursday, 14 Feb 2008 | Views [380]

another 5 hour train trip and we got to our last stopover in europe...amsterdam. a very strange city but eventually it all makes sense. the people are awesome, so so lovely. they basically all speak english which makes life a lot easier as well. we ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


FRANCE | Thursday, 14 Feb 2008 | Views [629]

WOW! what a fantastic city. Paris has the most incredible scenery and history just everywhere you look. we were in the 'city of romance' which was very fitting for lucy and i seeing as we had spent the past 2 months together so now we could have some ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Nice (N-ee-ce)

FRANCE | Thursday, 14 Feb 2008 | Views [373]

finally able to catch up on the details of the trip now! so after rome lucy, jess and i hopped on a train to Nice. this wasn't too bad a journey for 12 hours we had to spend on the train. got pretty scary at times it being so dark and with a few scary ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Rome & Vatican City

ITALY | Thursday, 24 Jan 2008 | Views [395]

WOW! Rome is an absolutely incredible place to be. seemed a bit dodgy when we walked out of the train station but our hotel was nice enough and the pizza once again cheap and awesome. we had an extremely early night as we were all buggered but got up ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


ITALY | Thursday, 24 Jan 2008 | Views [351]

got up at quarter to 5! ggrrr! headed over to florence. had the scariest incident with a guy on the train who watched me sleep and then stared at us the whole way. felt very uncomfortable then but once again we survived and made it to florence, the home ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


ITALY | Thursday, 24 Jan 2008 | Views [326]

The train trip to Venice was pretty much deadly. 8 hours long but at least the view of the Italian alps was pretty and we had some lovely Italian women sitting with us teaching us Italian and telling us to marry their sons. LOL arrive in Venice and ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


AUSTRIA | Thursday, 24 Jan 2008 | Views [406]

A 2 hour train trip through the mountains and we arrived in Salzburg. The city of Mozart and the Sound of Music. The mountain ranges surrounding the city were incredible, the castle was placed so that it overlooked the city and we got a fantastic view ... Read more >

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GERMANY | Thursday, 24 Jan 2008 | Views [428]

got to munich quite late on the sunday night and headed to our hostel which seemed pretty good until we realised there were a 2 freaky guys sharing the room with us. of course knowing me i was a bit freaked out but there were eventually harmless and ... Read more >

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CONTIKI (Vienna)

AUSTRIA | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008 | Views [554]

ok, now im in love...and i really mean it. vienna is absolutely amazing. before we arrived there though we had a quick stop off in kutna hora, a small czech town. we went into the ossawary which is a bone museum which was pretty freaky because a guy ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

CONTIKI (Prague)

CZECH REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008 | Views [445]

the next 3 nights we were all in prague. i had lots and lots of expectations of beauty and the city being a spectacle so i was a little bit disappointed when i arrived because it is more of a medieval city rather than a city covered with classical buildings.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

CONTIKI (Berlin)

GERMANY | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008 | Views [549]

so wow! where the hell do i start?? contiki was the best fun of my life, never have a drunk so much and seen so much in 9 days. started off in Berlin, 95% of the people on tour with us were aussies which was cool. we all hung out the first night...blah ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Adventures So Far

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 3 Jan 2008 | Views [293]

hey kids, sorry its been so long but with the amount of adventures we've been having ive been needing all the rest i can. xmas was great fun, went to my grandparents' house and got looked after like kings, heaps of food, drink and love all around :)got ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 20 Dec 2007 | Views [313]

Yes I know we've already been to London but now we're really getting to experience it. It's been fantastic so far. had the most incredible day yesterday as it was a trip down memory lane. I went to 25 porten rd...my old home!! very weird seeing it as ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Uh Oh!

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 18 Dec 2007 | Views [398]

... after finally reaching home in london lucy and i decided to sit down with dinner and watch '300'. unfortunately we didn't get to watch all of it...i ended up in hospital!!! had the most incredible pains in my stomach. screaming in pain actually.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Catching Up

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 18 Dec 2007 | Views [350]

hey kids, sorry it's been so long. not much access to the internet and been really busy. which i guess is a good thing but now u know that im still alive! woohoo! after dublin lou and i went west to galway in ireland. the best place EVER! pubs were ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Night Out

IRELAND | Friday, 7 Dec 2007 | Views [426]

had our night out in dublin the other night and went to temple bar which is pretty much the party/pub district that u go to when in dublin. we went to 'temple bar' pub (original huh?) and it was AWESOME! we drank guiness (not too bad after all) and danced ... Read more >

Tags: Party time


IRELAND | Friday, 7 Dec 2007 | Views [333]

did some sightseeing today. saw good 'ole st. patrick's cathedral. was annoying because there was scaffolding on the spire and it cost to get in!! being the stingy student tourists that we are we decided to go in and then out, therefore not spending ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


IRELAND | Wednesday, 5 Dec 2007 | Views [326]

so we left liverpool at 10pm last night in order to catch the ferry overnight to dublin. we thought this would be good because that meant we didnt need to worry about accommodation for that night. BUT and it's a big but, it was a pretty bad experience.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 5 Dec 2007 | Views [538] | Comments [1]

OMG!! one of the best ever concerts ive ever been to. rohan, u HAVE to go, i will personally come back home in order to make sure that happens if i have to. adam levene was absolutely gorgeous as per usual and we had awesome seats that got us looking ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

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