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I love my life! Taking my time, soaking in the sights and always taking the road less traveled.


There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "starbucks".


USA | Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 | Views [1327]

When the 3 Toronto girls asked me this morning where I was from, I barely mumbled a hardly audible "Australia".  I've found myself back in Venice Beach, staying at this pretty hip hostel on the beach. I am not at all ashamed to be an Australian, ... Read more >

Tags: beach, fun, love life, road trip, starbucks, venice, yosemite

Sleepy in Seattle

USA | Monday, 2 Apr 2012 | Views [1161]

Friday nights shenanigans left me with about 3 hours of sleep. I hit the sack at around 3am, by far my latest night so far. I was leaving the "party hostel" though, and my roomies and I had some wine, which was a nice change of alcoholic ... Read more >

Tags: emp museum, seattle, starbucks, usa, weekend

All quiet on the Western front.

CANADA | Monday, 19 Mar 2012 | Views [905]

Technically I am in West Canada, and the past few days have been rather quiet. I haven't done much moving around or exploring, more just reading and waiting. I am currently half way through "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" on my Kindle, ... Read more >

Tags: interview, james, new friends, pizza, quiet, reading, starbucks, summer camp

Highs and lows

CANADA | Monday, 12 Mar 2012 | Views [751]

One of the worst and lowest feelings I have ever experienced in my life, and more recently whilst I have been away (riding the bus this evening) is the busting feeling of desperately needing to urinate. One of the greatest feelings ever is when you ... Read more >

Tags: attitude, busting to pee, cold, happiness, highs and lows, starbucks, tower

Taxes, buses and PB & J!

CANADA | Sunday, 11 Mar 2012 | Views [815] | Comments [1]

These are three things that have found their way into my daily activities, without fail! Every day before I head out, I make a peanut butter and jam sandwich. They are super delicious and what I would consider a staple food group for any backpacker.... Read more >

Tags: buses, peanut butter and jam, rain, stanley park, starbucks, suspension bridge, taxes

It's a bit chilly, ey?

CANADA | Wednesday, 7 Mar 2012 | Views [1263] | Comments [3]

Where to begin? First off I have blisters all over my hands (calm yourself mum and other loyal fans, I am okay) and I am struggling to type. I was bike riding with a small gang yesterday and we stopped off at Muscle Beach where some fellas were trying ... Read more >

Tags: beverly hills, cycling, pasta, skytrain, starbucks, vancouver, venice beach

Just breathe... and relax!

USA | Sunday, 4 Mar 2012 | Views [1002] | Comments [2]

That is what I did today, sort of. I got my butt out of bed at 7:30am (I woke up at 7am, but rolled around for half hour). John asked me if I would like to take part in a run group with him, who were meeting at 8:30am. The chance to show off my quick ... Read more >

Tags: brunch, costco, exercise, farmers market, pizza, running, starbucks

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