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I love my life! Taking my time, soaking in the sights and always taking the road less traveled.


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "running".

Athlete's Foot

USA | Thursday, 26 Apr 2012 | Views [1129] | Comments [1]

My ithchy, peeling, blistered feet and toes have been diagnosed. The lady at Walgreens instructed me this morning that I have "Athlete's Foot". I was rather proud at first, but quickly reaslised she wasn't paying me a compliment. Since spending ... Read more >

Tags: bread, greyhound, hollywood, portland, running, vipassana


USA | Tuesday, 6 Mar 2012 | Views [649] | Comments [2]

So after another very lengthy bus ride back yesterday (this  time  returning to the city of Angels - why is it called that? Can anyone tell me? Personally I don't see much angelic about the place). Anyways, I got up yesterday and went to Johns gym ... Read more >

Tags: beer, breakfast, bus, gym, running, santa monica

Just breathe... and relax!

USA | Sunday, 4 Mar 2012 | Views [1002] | Comments [2]

That is what I did today, sort of. I got my butt out of bed at 7:30am (I woke up at 7am, but rolled around for half hour). John asked me if I would like to take part in a run group with him, who were meeting at 8:30am. The chance to show off my quick ... Read more >

Tags: brunch, costco, exercise, farmers market, pizza, running, starbucks

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