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I love my life! Taking my time, soaking in the sights and always taking the road less traveled.


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "hollywood".

Athlete's Foot

USA | Thursday, 26 Apr 2012 | Views [1129] | Comments [1]

My ithchy, peeling, blistered feet and toes have been diagnosed. The lady at Walgreens instructed me this morning that I have "Athlete's Foot". I was rather proud at first, but quickly reaslised she wasn't paying me a compliment. Since spending ... Read more >

Tags: bread, greyhound, hollywood, portland, running, vipassana

Wild wild West.... Hollywood!

USA | Sunday, 22 Apr 2012 | Views [1884] | Comments [1]

The Gayborhood. If I had known that prior to making the hostel reservation I probably would still have gone ahead and made the booking. This place is... different? I am staying at a groovy hostel called Banana Bungalow on Fairfax and Melrose Ave. Yep, ... Read more >

Tags: clubs, drinking, eating out, farmers market, fruit, hollywood, mexican, party, venice

In and around LA

USA | Thursday, 1 Mar 2012 | Views [552] | Comments [2]

It feels like it has been a while since I wrote anything down. So I'm going to work my way backwards... Last night I decided to go on an organised pub crawl with the hostel. It started off a bit lame, though I met some great people from the hostel ... Read more >

Tags: hollywood, pub crawl, santa monica, stoners, venice

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