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I love my life! Taking my time, soaking in the sights and always taking the road less traveled.


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "portland".

Farewell Portland

USA | Wednesday, 2 May 2012 | Views [668]

6:45am - Wake up. Ahhh, I got time.  Blink once. 7:30am - Second wake up. Shit!! Oh well, I still got time. Ha ha ha! ------------ I am sure everybody has experienced this. My breakfast entailed a huge bowl of oats, a banana and a truck load ... Read more >

Tags: eating, portland, reading, sleep in, vipassana

First timers.

USA | Monday, 30 Apr 2012 | Views [2005] | Comments [1]

    I've begun my Sunday morning in Starbucks. I love coming here to write in my journal! Their carefully chosen jazzy songs keep us patrons here long enough to purchase a beverage, and possibly a bite to eat. Yet not too long to overcrowd ... Read more >

Tags: cannon beach, crater lake, happy birthday mum, mt st helens, nutrition, peanut butter and jam, portland, sleeping in car, speeding, wendys

Athlete's Foot

USA | Thursday, 26 Apr 2012 | Views [1129] | Comments [1]

My ithchy, peeling, blistered feet and toes have been diagnosed. The lady at Walgreens instructed me this morning that I have "Athlete's Foot". I was rather proud at first, but quickly reaslised she wasn't paying me a compliment. Since spending ... Read more >

Tags: bread, greyhound, hollywood, portland, running, vipassana

All or nothing

USA | Thursday, 5 Apr 2012 | Views [924]

Dear Diary, How are you? It's sure feels like it's been a while, eh? I miss how close you and I used to be. You know how I'd share everything with you every day, you would just absorb it all, not judging or commenting.  It feels as if we are growing ... Read more >

Tags: columbia tower, cycling, diary, food, portland, rain, seattle

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