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Sleepy in Seattle

USA | Monday, 2 April 2012 | Views [1256]

Friday nights shenanigans left me with about 3 hours of sleep. I hit the sack at around 3am, by far my latest night so far. I was leaving the "party hostel" though, and my roomies and I had some wine, which was a nice change of alcoholic pace. 

I rolled out of bed Saturday morning, went downstairs for my routine warm lemon water + hearty breakfast of super cereal. Two days prior I had struck up a conversation with a girl named Evelien from the Netherlands. She was reading a book and I got excited... I <3 books! Anyways, turns out she was heading off to Seattle on the same ferry I was going on. So I had a travel buddy, yay! 

Sailing the high seas.

After crossing the ocean for 90 minutes (85 of which I slept) we hopped on a bus which went for almost 3 hours. Another quick 23 minute ride across another little ocean (the bus went on the ferry) and then another 30 minute drive to downtown Seattle! I found my way to the City Hostel Seattle and Evelien went to hers at the Green Tortoise. I had originally wanted to book with hers, but so far is seems mine is better!! :)

I've now met up with Sara from Santa Monica, and so far the three of us have explored a lot of Seattle. Yesterday we...

Discovered Spidermans lair

Visited the first ever Starbucks (the line there was out on the streets... it's just coffee!)

Found the cleanest part of Seattle (A massive wall consisting of chewing gum, bubble gum and false gums)

Visited the Olympic Sculpture Park

And this is where my battery died

At the EMP museum. 

The EMP museum was definitely very cool. I am not much of a Nirvana fan, or Hendrix fan, but it was definitely interesting to check out their history and actually see the instruments they played, original lyrics they wrote and how they came to be. The museum also hosted other cool expos such as a section dedicated to the movie Avatar and a really cool (non-scary) horror section.

The rest of the day involved eating a burrito the size of my head (unfortunately my battery died), walking to a far away REI and then going to Eveliens hostel down the road for a free dinner (Which wasn't to bad).

This morning I rolled out of bed and forced myself to run. I think this has become my favourite way to explore a new city. Running through and around an unknown city is highly enjoyable. I must have a lot of fans considering the amount of stares I accumulate (or maybe it's because I am the only idiot in shorts and a singlet). 

Tomorrow I think the three of us will be heading down to Portland, Oregon and then Sara is off to Whistler and Evelein is going to continue to head down the coast through San Francisco. I don't know what I will do, I might look around America a bit more.. We'll see!

So just a quickie of an update, but rest assured loyal fans, I am alive and well.

Up, up and away!

Tags: emp museum, seattle, starbucks, usa, weekend



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