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Beamish and me wales, England, Scotland, Wales

Trip: leaving

There are [16] stories from my trip: leaving

Mundane matters

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 23 Apr 2014 | Views [165]

I  had an interview today with a nursing agency, Asked if things worked out and I stayed in France until November,  if they would take me on as a hca as my skills would be rusty. Answer was no ... I  did not have enough experience. C'est ... Read more >

Last laps

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 21 Apr 2014 | Views [126]

Keeping in Yorkshire, Headed for Harrogate and a cooked breakfast to spoil myself, Noticed sea scout bands tuning up and signs saying roads would be closed from 10:30 so after refuelling headed west again towards Skipton which was just as posh and a ... Read more >

Photos: beamish

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 21 Apr 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Le Tour de les Dales

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 21 Apr 2014 | Views [237]

Anybody north of Sheffield is well aware that Le Tour (French bike race in July) is kicking off in Yorkshire this year. From Richmond I headed down Wensley dale - stupid me thought it was Heartbeat country, but thats the Moors- meeting cyclists by the ... Read more >

More education

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 17 Apr 2014 | Views [115]

Keeping heading south  I spent a few hours at Craig side a very good NT property  overnighted in a layby then had a lovey post prandial walk watching the early morning anglers at Derwent Water before heading to Beamish Museum .again well woth ... Read more >

Beautiful Berwick

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 17 Apr 2014 | Views [116]

Last log was from Berwick library, My first night solo I had turned on the taps and got a wet carpet, unable to find any one to fix it since , but got number for some one here who came when he said. Got another wet carpet so he could identify where from ... Read more >

Over the Border

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 14 Apr 2014 | Views [122]

More or less up to date now . Sunday seemed a good day to negociate the motorway around Edinburugh, and  I shared my layby with an artic that set off at 6.. So up early and headed east  no mishaps, had a nice shore walk at North Berwick and ... Read more >


UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 14 Apr 2014 | Views [138]

As I said no rational to my driving headed for Perth, as I was windy and the van had rocked me to sleep the previous night . On the M9 the van was pushed over to the hard shoulder and felt like it was swaying all over the place. Needless to ... Read more >

No Nessie

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 14 Apr 2014 | Views [132]

A quick tour of Tescos Inverness and told I needed the other Tesco inverness for what I needed. The start of the slide. Parked up at the side of Lough Ness for  a two sleeping bag night  then decided I should be on the other side of the loch ... Read more >

Go East

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | Views [164]

The rain  and highlands is getting me down so one last fling up to reputedly one of the best gardens in Europe?? at Inverewe. Well worth the visit but still not my favourite, and got absolutley soaked - so far my boots are doing what they say, the ... Read more >

Over the sea to Skye

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | Views [136]

Wasn't planning this but the weather still not so great so got the ferry from Mallaig ... Not my scenery  so empty and not green, heather moorland or mountains and rain. Stopped for a cuppa in  what i thought was a reasonably sheltered spot.... Read more >

hit the 1000

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | Views [142]

Done my first 1000 miles with no hitches - though it did take 3 garages to tell me where to top up the oil, A timely reminder by brother in law was to check tyres oil and water each stop.. well not quite each ,but I have done them all . West coast Scotland ... Read more >

Cultural day

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | Views [140]

,Left Portling- home of a 'grand design' known locally as the toilet block and headed up the scenic route to  Ayr -  to Culzean castle  abosolutely beautiful setting on the cliffs amd gorgeous gardens overnighted in a quiet lay by and ... Read more >


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 4 Apr 2014 | Views [177]

Travelled north from yorkshire via national trust places. stopped in a lay by on the cleaveland wayfor one night  with pheasants chortling around the place, and woke to find the car park i was looking for a hundred yards down the road! Headed into ... Read more >

Shropshire lambs

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 4 Apr 2014 | Views [145]

Invited by a colleague from work to come and see how lambing went.  so headed off, getting lost despite the satnav down the shropshire lanes. Plenty of practice reversing but three point turns are still 5 or 7 point, but thats the price of non powered ... Read more >

Early days

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 15 Mar 2014 | Views [153]

First trial run after the test drive-  back to the good old days of pull out choke and non power steering. A lovely sunny day so nice after all that rain.  Drove from Dinas ( where thanks to Dai's generosity  Beamish has be stopping while ... Read more >