More or less up to date now . Sunday seemed a good day to negociate the motorway around Edinburugh, and I shared my layby with an artic that set off at 6.. So up early and headed east no mishaps, had a nice shore walk at North Berwick and on to Berwick on Tweed for the cultural bit, Walked the walls and the high street. It did get windy again so back inland for the night In a spot as sheltered as I could find. Running low on socks so will be after a campsite soon.
One thing about England; things open sooner in Scotland; even the LIbrary didn't open til 10:30 .
Just drove over the causeway and visited Holy Island- Castle shut on Mondays!! So back to Berwick to get thing organised and a campsite overlooking the sea- promised the wind is going to die down today by the receptionist.
One tip NT British membership also lets you in free in Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Canada, and New Zealand plus host of others can't remember all shown to me by the helpful guide at the House of Dun, so blame him if it doesnt work