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life's adventures This is the story of my wanderings through Asia

Tutto Bene

ITALY | Wednesday, 15 June 2011 | Views [411]

In Italy. Temperature today was a lovely humid 24 degrees, with a soaring prediction of 37 for Sunday. I am seated in the lush, spacious living room of a friend of Marilu’s with a seaside view in Bari, with a plate of parmesan chunks, tomato slices, green olives and some salami for dinner. Couldn’t find a bottle opener for the 2.30Euro red wine we bought.                                              

Seriously though, staring at one of the walls of wine bottles at the supermarket, all from Italy with barely a single distinction aside from the price, I opt for the cheap and seemingly appealing one on the bottom shelf, assuring Jay that if its bad I’ll just add coke, a habit from Argentina, and also quite commonly done in Spain, a popular drink called calimocho.

I actually am finally getting some assignment work done, leaving Jay and Marilu to the family evening, which I experienced last night on arrival in Italy. Their welcome and dinner was great, and much appreciated. I know they really enjoyed seeing Milla for the first time too.

Before leaving London I managed to get to the Natural History museum, and Harrods, and I even had a lovely dinner with long time friend Michelle, who is nannying for her sister in Richmond, quite a nice area where we met for tea. It was a great catch up and final evening there, chatting about recent adventures, the future, current events in New Zealand, and old acquaintances. Michelle is one of those great, life-long mates who always makes the effort to get together, no matter where we meet, I always come away feeling super happy, gratified in having such a quality friend, brilliant!

Today, after a lovely bite for breakfast at the family’s apartment, we left Marilu to sort flowers with her sisters and mum, and Jay took me around the old town of Bari. It was super, as he is an awesome tour guide, and hasn’t had much chance, since my arrival in Europe, to show me very much. We got lost in laneways and had an espressino in the piazza near the Catedral di San Sabino. He drove me south toward Brindisi *, where we wandered around and had lunch with a stunning view of the Mediterranean. The cliffs and caves begging to be explored but choked by the dark turquoise sea, Spotted along rocky outcrops and clustered in the small bays of pebbled beaches lay lots of sun-browned skins, very little clothing and lots of tan. The sea inviting, but my white backside forgot togs in the apartment. Won’t let that happen again in a hurry!

I can understand the enchantment with Italy and the Mediterranean seaside countries. I can see the beauty in the ancient, square brick buildings perched on the edge of the magnificent water, the blazing sun converging on the oiled bodies of all inhabitants stretched out facing its splendor. Have I mentioned the food?



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