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There are [51] photos and [20] stories about Argentina

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on my way home already

Friday, 18 Jul 2008 | Views [647]

A lot has happened since the last entry, classes have long been over and ended well. I had a few fun parties, one included carolina´s 21 birthday. I taught everyone flip cup and it was a big hit. One night I went to alamo and ended up inviting my friend´s ... Read more >

Weekend Madness

Sunday, 8 Jun 2008 | Views [736]

This weekend I made up for the boring weekend Im going to have next weekend because my exams are right after. Thursday, fairly normal went out dancing to the only club that plays hip hop. Every gangster type in the city was there, which was strange ... Read more >

recent news

Sunday, 1 Jun 2008 | Views [683]

Im starting to get lazy about this blog, but your not missing much. Here's some of the recent highlights: My history class went to a bar to watch a soccer game for an hour during our usual break thats supposed to be 20 minutes.  The Professor ordered ... Read more >

Colonia, Uruguay

Saturday, 17 May 2008 | Views [812]

Last weekend (Sunday – Monday) I went to Colonia Uruguay.   It was a pre-planned trip with the exchange program, so nothing exciting. The town is tiny but nice; half the buildings are old Portuguese style and old Spanish style. All I did was eat and ... Read more >

Tags: art, movies, parties


Monday, 5 May 2008 | Views [774]

I went to Rosario two weekends ago. Rosario is just a smaller city slightly north of Buenos Aires.   It was fun, but nothing spectacular.   Is where El Che was born, so I can now say I’ve been to the cities where Che was born and died (in Santa ... Read more >

Tags: parties, road blocks

Moving to Recoleta

Sunday, 20 Apr 2008 | Views [667]

I moved to Recoleta a week ago. I basically ran away from the other house because they kept talking to me like I couln´t understand them and it got really annoying. I didn´t tell anyone I was leaving until I was about to go to the taxi. I love my new ... Read more >

Stressed Out

Tuesday, 1 Apr 2008 | Views [798]

I’ve had a couple of minor freak out moments.   Number one: I almost got kidnapped by a taxi driver.   I was coming home from my class about AIDS at 9 pm.   The class is in a pretty rough area of the city and I had to walk about three blocks to ... Read more >

Tags: stress, taxis

Farmers Strike

Thursday, 27 Mar 2008 | Views [835] | Comments [2]

The president increased the taxes that farmers have to pay to the government. I think its up to 45% now, everyone is banging pots in the streets, the farmers are striking and blocking the roads so they can't transport food. Its been going on for 2 weeks ... Read more >

Tags: protests


Tuesday, 18 Mar 2008 | Views [1189]

Friday morning I had my first real class, Latinamerican Political Systems compared.   It turned out to be boring so I’ve decided not to take it.   Monday I had my first class, Social History of Argentina and Latinamerica at the Public University.... Read more >

Tags: education, friends

My Pilar Express Experience

Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [1402]

Tuesday, I wanted so badly to go to class but my attempts to arrive failed. It was supposed to be my first class, fitopathologia (plant pathology). I planned far in advance how to get there since the class is in Pilar, a town in the provincia about an ... Read more >

Tags: machismo, transportaion

Drama Weekend

Monday, 10 Mar 2008 | Views [704]

Friday was relatively calm compared to Saturday.   I got to sleep in before going to the Public University to enroll.   Getting to the university from my house involved a lot of walking, the subway, and a bus.   Getting enrolled was another fiasco.... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Back to School

Friday, 7 Mar 2008 | Views [642]

This is my last weekend before I start classes, but I think I already had the end of the summer party on Tuesday night when leah came. We had a party in Erika's apartment with 3 other Bolivianas, and Erika's new Chilean roommate. (Many of you reading ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Bariloche, Patagonia

Tuesday, 4 Mar 2008 | Views [667]

This weekend I took a trip with my exchange program to San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia.  Everything was nice and pre-organized so there were no life risks that usually make my vacactions interesting to read about.  Bariloche is a small town in the ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: Bariloche, Patagonia

Monday, 3 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Loving My New Vida

Monday, 25 Feb 2008 | Views [748] | Comments [1]

Im having no trouble at all getting used to living in this city. Im getting spoiled by the nice weather, good shopping, empanadas, and being able to buy soda and candy any time I want at a the kiosks that are at just about every corner.  Im drinking ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

My New Hogar

Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Views [709]

I passed my last weekend of real vacation shopping in Alto Palermo (theres a mall there), and going out at night first to a Bar called la Roca and then to Plaza Serrano in Palermo. La Roca was cool because it was far from any tourist neighborhod and ... Read more >

Tags: Family

Dia de San Valentin

Friday, 15 Feb 2008 | Views [1888]

The day before Valentines Day we were supposed to run errands, but the only thing we could cross off the list was going to the fruit store and getting my hair cut.   I was a little frightened to get my hair cut here because about 75% of men and women ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Back to Bs. As.

Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008 | Views [571]

We left Santa Cruz Sunday 8pm and arrived at Buenos Aires Tuesday 1pm. Hopefully that is the last bus ride for awhile. We got pretty lucky crossing the border, I didn’t have to pay a fine for losing my green card and we only had to go through inspections ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Road Trip to Bolivia

Tuesday, 8 Jan 2008 | Views [505] | Comments [2]

We left BA and got on a bus to Bolivia.  We are stopped here in Salta, Argentina waiting to take another bus the rest of the way.  BA to Salta is 18 hours, it was not a good time. The entire bus was literally one huge family from Buenos Aires and they ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Finally made it

Sunday, 30 Dec 2007 | Views [420]

I finally made it.  Buenos Aires is just as great as they say it is. It reminds me of New York except a really cheap version. Everyone looks really white and I dont stand out too much until they here the accent. The people here dress like the 80s to ... Read more >

Tags: People



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