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Mi Querida Sudamerica

Back to School

ARGENTINA | Friday, 7 March 2008 | Views [643]

This is my last weekend before I start classes, but I think I already had the end of the summer party on Tuesday night when leah came. We had a party in Erika's apartment with 3 other Bolivianas, and Erika's new Chilean roommate. (Many of you reading this may already know.)  I think we left the apartment around 1 or 2 am and went to a ton of different places. I ended up losing my wallet, probably in one of the taxis and I accidently locked Erika out of her apartment, but in the end everything worked out. 

Getting everything organized for school is impossible.  The days and times on half the classes in the University of San Salvador I want to take are not online and the facultad is not responding to my emails.  The agronomy department is responding to me however and I got approval to take plant pathology, but the one problem is that the class is held in a small town in the provincia of Buenos Aires and I have to take a coach bus to and from class.  The class is held once a week from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. I guess 80% of the students have to commute from Capital Federal on the bus, so hopfully the commute is reasonable.  I do want to get out of Capital Federal to see the Provincia because I feel like it would be a better representation of the entire country. Spending all my time in the city, I forget that I'm in latin america.  I went to china town (about 15 blocks from my house)yesterday with my friend from Quilmes.  It wasn't quite what I was expecting, it's just one or two blocks of mostly sketchy chinese resturants and some fish markets.  There was also no one around on the street and almost all the resturants were complety empty.  We didn't stay too long.  I really want to go see Liners which is the barrio boliviano, I'm hoping I can do volunteer work there once I get my classes organized. 


Tags: Adventures



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