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Weekend Madness

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 8 June 2008 | Views [737]

This weekend I made up for the boring weekend Im going to have next weekend because my exams are right after. Thursday, fairly normal went out dancing to the only club that plays hip hop. Every gangster type in the city was there, which was strange sight to see here.

Friday, started out a small gathering at Erikas, Erika me and two Americans. We took a cab to plaza cerrano and Erika got sick in the cab and we ended up in the middle of the street with getting yelled at by an irrate taxi driver negotiating the price of the damages. Then two cartonero street children starting laughing about the scene and ended up hitting my American friend in the back of the head. So we take Erika back to her apartment, she gives us the keys to get out of the apartment. Turns out they were not the right keys and we couldnt get out, she didn’t hear us ringing the doorbell to get the right keys, and so we were stuck and ended up ringing random doorbells hoping someone would let us out until we found some guys taking the elevator and they saved our lives. From there we went to an apartment of some other friends and we all crashed there and went to china town the next day to buy mass quantities of sushi.

Saturday: went straight from afternoon sushi to Erika’s were I got ready for the night and we cooked our usual Saturday night dinner with Carolina. We ended up having a great party after with 15 Bolivianos, a Mexican, 4 Americans, 5 Argentinos, and I’m not sure who else. The two guys that let us out of the apartment on Friday heard the party and also showed up. One of the neighbors ended up calling the cops and Erika told him this elaborate story through the building intercom. She said that she was 17 year old colombian and her parents wouldn’t let her go down to let people in to the apartment. She went on to say that she invited all her Colombian friends to a dinner party for her birthday and that she cant help it that Colombians have a loud accent and being that it was her birthday, she was drunk and with her boyfriend who stayed after all the others let. The cops bought the story or just got sick of listening to it and left. They later came back and showed up at the door, we all had to hide and someone went to the door with Erika pretending to be her Colombian boyfriend. The cops really couldn’t do much about it and ended up just leaving. Everyone was laughing their asses off about the whole scene. I left for my house at around 5, and got in a minor fight on the car ride with an Argentine friend that was acting like a real child and ended p just getting out of the car and storming off, luckily I was 6 blocks from my apartment.

Sunday: basically just layed around and ate pizza, tomorrow ive got to ponerme las pilas and study!!!!



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