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Baby you CANT drive my car

CANADA | Thursday, 12 January 2006 | Views [853] | Comments [12]

I have not had a terribly good couple of days.

My job search has yeilded disappointingly few leads. I have also found out that while the international drivers license is fine to drive in Canada, no insurance company will insure you. And, by law you need to have insurance to drive a car.

This means I need to get my Ontario drivers license. But I have to do the written and driving test. I did the written today (and got a perfect score) BUT normally you would have to wait 1 year between your written and practical tests. In order to do it soon I have to get a letter from Australia saying how long I have had my license and that my license is not suspended. WHAT A GIANT DRAG.

I was in a bad mood about all of this, but last night Jane Ann took me out to asll these shops to put my resume in. It was good. One place even gave me an interview straight away. And with my license. It's annoying, but I can bitch and moan all I like and I'll still have to do it. So I should just do it and quit my bellyaching.

THEN I can get insurance and then I can get my car and then I can be free. Public transport here is pretty expensive and doesn't cover the area i LIVE at all.

This'll have to be short today. I am at the library and only had 15 minutes to use the computer. I have 1.46 left. I miss you all and hope you are well

Tags: Work



A giant drag maybe, but at least it's not a giant IN drag. That would be freaky. Well done on getting a perfect score- you are masterful. And even your bitching and moaning makes for very entertaining reading Sue, so knock yourself out. Oh, and here's something that you would appreciate. On Friday, Groundhog Day was on- with Bill Murray y'know, living the same day over and over. And Channel Ten ran a normal ten second ad, but REPEATED it three times in a row- like your own mini-Groundhog Day! To awesome for words. AND NOW, JUST QUIETLY, IT'S Simon's Top Ten Things That Are Short- 1.Shorts 2.Shortbread 3.Short cuts 4.Short Circuit (Number 5 is alive!) 5.Short wave radio 6.Short changed 7.Short sighted 8.Shorthand 9.Short-tempered 10.Danny DeVito

  Simon James Jan 12, 2006 6:49 PM


And here's a REAL (as opposed to my old crap) Top Ten list of the Top Google Searches of 2005. Geeks rule the world! 1. Janet Jackson 2. Hurricane Katrina 3. tsunami 4. xbox 360 5. Brad Pitt 6. Michael Jackson 7. American Idol 8. Britney Spears 9. Angelina Jolie 10. Harry Potter

  Simon James Jan 12, 2006 8:03 PM


Hey susie girl. Perth is still the same since you've been gone so even if you're having some difficulties - at least you're in another country, on the other side of the world!!!!!!! aaahhh the joy of it all. anyway hope the drivers license thing gets sorted soonish rather than later-ish. and a JOB!! that would be nice too. thinking of ya!

  Kips Jan 13, 2006 12:15 PM


In my efforts to bring you, Susan-lovely-Fahey joy and laughter and simultaneously destroy Simon James' SELF-percieved commentry brilliance, i will share with you the top FIVE things you should NOT DO in a drivers license test... 1. Do not wear snorkel gear whilst driving, 2.Do not Squeegee your windshield at every traffic light stop 3. Do not Stop and collect roadkill (especially if it is a pedestrian) 4.Do not Sing (espescially without having the radio on) and 5. Do not Eat food that requires silverware...BIG bummer about the license thing, i hope it all works out and I hope those Candian Employees realise what they are passing up!!! Be thinking of you and really hope it works out QUICKLY!

  Brenton Jan 13, 2006 3:55 PM


Brenton sux

  Simon James Jan 13, 2006 4:29 PM


I have noticed a trend amongst 2 certain, and otherwise intelligent commentators, in their rivalry against each other, to use sayings reminiscent from the schoolyard to put down the other person..... ie "(person's name)sucks" I guess it's really no wonder since they do spend a majority of their time at school anyway!!! so in the spirit of 1980's schoolyard culture may I just say one thing....... I WOZ 'ERE 2006

  kips Jan 13, 2006 5:25 PM


Kylie stinks

  Simon James Jan 13, 2006 7:34 PM


I just wish to point out to Kylie that in the 1980's, whatever schoolyard you may have been at, no single person would say "I woz ere 2006"...simple mathematics, and due to such a mathematical error i suppose there is no way Kylie is elligble to win the commentors award in July, I mean mathematical errors cost Colin Barnet the election, and mathematical errors will cost Kylie all here hopes of prize winning glory!

  Brenton Jan 13, 2006 8:17 PM


Susan Rox!

  Brenton Jan 13, 2006 8:18 PM



  Ebony Feb 11, 2006 9:18 PM


as"is""this "la""de""da"

  Ebony Feb 11, 2006 9:19 PM


ihave u.a.e 10 ten years drives working

  ali farooq Apr 14, 2009 7:29 PM



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