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My super boring journal I would like some more pressed duck.

Der Hauptteil Ihrer Transgressions wird über einem Glas feinem Rotwein genossen.

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 31 October 2006 | Views [1386] | Comments [5]


I have had a very hectic week. On Monday I went to London. It was quite a fun trip. I got to see a fair bit of Southern England. I got to London and went to see some of the important things. I went to Piccadilly Circus (which reminded me of Time Square in New York), Buckingham Palace and Kings Cross Station which now has a sign which reads Platform 9 ¾. I went on the Tube a lot. It is very good. It gets you everywhere easily.

I had to get to the airport by 5.00am so I left the hostel at 3.30am. London is surprisingly desolate at this time.

I got to Germany in just over an hour which was awesome. I soon discovered that the two years of German I did at school would be useless unless I planned on counting or talking about animals the whole time. Germany is very pretty. All of the trees were turning different colours and the leaves were starting to fall. On day one I went to a very quaint German town and saw the birthplace of Schiller who is like a German equivalent of Shakespeare. Day two we went to Stuttgart. We did shopping and went to the State Gallery which had a lot of Picasso, Matisse and other nice art. There were lots of German artist I didn’t know but the paintings were very nice. Stuttgart has a lot of very nice shopping. Day three we went to Heidelberg and saw the castle there. It was built in the twelfth century. A lot of the town was built around the castle and so was the same age. Heidelberg was really cool, there were many tourists and so I could hear plenty of English. After Heidelberg we went to Karlsruhe. This is where I stayed for the rest of the time. We went to a brewery and drank the Octoberfest beers, which is a litre of beer in a giant stein. It weighs about 50kilos and I had to steady the stein with my left hand in order to lift it.

Day four I went around Karlsruhe and saw the castle here and the University and the zoo and stuff and Day five I went to Dublin. In Dublin I went through the city for a while and tried to find a hostel room. They were all full up so I went back to the airport at 11.00pm and slept on a bench. It was surprisingly comfortable. Day Six I came home.

I got sick around day two which put a bit of a dampener on the trip. Then on the airplane because my sinuses were blocked the pressure during take off and landing nearly killed me.

I am home now and have missed my first day back at work because I was sick. It was a busy day so that is good. I just slept. It was good to hear from Mark on my last journal. I too have missed our discussions. I have yet to find a replacement in the whole of the world. Ok. Enjoy!

Tags: The Great Outdoors



Hi Sue!

Wow, I am the first commenter! I have noticed that when ever I have previously posted, it always becomes the last one for that journal - is this because my comments are so devastatingly funny no one can follow? or do I just leave it too late to write? This journal will tell.

Mark G talked about a post to keep you posted. A post post. Then, if it was old news, it would be a post post post. Then, if he bought a wooden beam, it would be post post post post. Mark sure is barking mad.

Halloween was awesome! I went as a caveman and was adored by the critics and the public. I had a long black wig, and I was still pulling synthetic hair out of my beard the next morning. Helen put in heaps of work and the Faheys backyard looked really great/creepy - people were actually getting genuine frights.You have to see photos of Daniels friend dressed as FranknFurter - he was frankntastic!

We did a Murder Mystery, which went really well, the game involved everyone and most people got really enthusiastic into it and their character.

My life is normal. I got a new car, moved house, got married and got promoted. Normal.

  Tim Oct 31, 2006 9:18 PM


The main part of your Transgressions is enjoyed over a glass fine red wine.

  Ebony Nov 1, 2006 5:53 PM


Hi Susan!! I have been regularly reading your posts, just not commenting :) so it's good to catchup on what you are up to.... keep writing! Don't have anything quirky to write as my comment, so I won't. Instead I'll tell you I just rode my bike from Perth to Adelaide. It was hard work but fun! In a couple of weeks I again go to Adelaide, by air transport this time, to see U2. 3 weeks to cycle vs 4 hours by air..... hhhhhhmmmmmmm

Sounds like Tim has been having an interesting 'normal' life. Australia is going along pretty normal - things don't change much, so don't be in a rush to return. That's what my mum always said when I was o/s. good advice i reckon!

Keep travelling well susie girl.

  Kips Nov 1, 2006 6:38 PM


Hello Sue
I have never known Simon and Tim to do ANYTHING normal in their entire life!!!!

  The Twins Mum Nov 2, 2006 5:50 PM


Sue, so much has been happening in Perth, you very well may not recognise it when you return, it will still seem like you are in a mysterious far away place.
Here are some things to catch you up.

1. We might have daylight savings soon and I am the only one in the whole country, apart from the politicians, who is happy about it.
2. A lot of the shops in Carousel are undergoing renovations, Dome is gone and they have replaced it with what appears to be an iceless ice-skating rink.
3. Tommie Turtle Day Care on Warton Road has closed down because some of the staff tied small children to their beds.
4. The train link to Mandurah is on it’s way. Hurray!
5. Alisa is pregnant, she is due in March - CONGRATULATIONS ALISA!
6. Little Miles has an apprenticeship – somewhere, I forget.
7. Perth is becoming the most expensive place in Australia to own a house.
8. A Japanese horse called Delta Blues won the Melbourne Cup today (I forgot it was even on)
9. The people from the late show and the Panel have a movie called Boy Town, where a boy band including the likes of Glen Robbins and Mick Molloy are in an aging boy band that reforms. They have a song called “I cry” that is on TV and others entitled “Love Handles” and “Special Time of the Month”
10. The English Gentlemen from La Clique are in Perth performing for Art Rage – I don’t think they take their clothes off though.
11. Mum knitted you a hat with an enormous flower on it.
12. Foodland is really big now, it opened a couple of weeks ago and has already been broken into - no one can accuse Kenwick-ites of being lazy.
13. We, as a nation, are having a bad, bad drought. In the eastern states they can only water their garden with buckets.
14. The packaging of Dad’s favourite the eye drops has changed.
15. There is a new budget art supply store, to rival Jackson’s called Riot, it is cool.
16. We are going to have a locust plague in WA and the wheat, and more importantly grape farmers, will be affected.
17. Someone went on a pizza shop robbing rampage the other day. It seems that the last place they robbed was unfazed and continued to serve customers right after it happened – that’s the spirit.
18. Police are going to start handing out lollies in Northbridge to stop the ever increasing violence…..
19. PMH is banning the sale of chips etc from their vending machines in favour of selling healthy foods like carrots and dust.
20. Um, ah, Oh, Ebony has been pestering me to cut her hair, and I will, soon.

  H Nov 7, 2006 5:02 PM



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