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Free Tibet - What does that mean?

INDIA | Sunday, 16 March 2008 | Views [13821] | Comments [4]

Free Tibet – What does that mean?

Since out recent interactions with the gentle Tibetans of northern India, both lay people and monks, we feel deeply for their current and ongoing struggle since their country was taken away in 1959.  I share with you this communication.

Sat, 15 Mar 2008

From: Tibetan student of English

Subject: Stand 4 Tibet!

To: My dear teacher  - Tashi Delek!

How are you these days?  …we are very busy at the moment.  We are regarding this year …a unique year for Tibetans living both inside and outside …Tibet.  It is because this year (the) Olympic(s) is going to take place in China. Therefore, since the 49th uprising day of Tibetans, which was held on the 10th of this month, we are witnessing big protest going in every country where we have Tibetans…. In particular, this time since this 10th March many protest(s) are going in many part(s) of Tibet, which we are seeing from our news mediums and (e)specially from BBC, CNN and other renowned TV channels.

These broad casting brings courage and confidence in the hearts of Tibetans to organize further activities.  In Tibet, one of my monk friend(s) also took part in protest and he tried to attempt suicide. He is badly injured and now he is in hospital under Chinese arrest.  All in all every Tibetan (is) regarding these on-going events as a door for a big change for Tibet and Tibetans and also for other small countries which are under Chinese rule.

Here in Dharamsala, we are organizing protest, hunger strike and candle light march almost everyday.  I am also sincerely taking part in these moves. All the Tibetans taking part in this on-going protest against China in both inside and outside…Tibet, we are demanding freedom for our nation…and return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama into Tibet. This protest will go on until the end of the up coming Olympic(s) in China. 

With this I am requesting you and your close ones to stand for Tibet and take part in Tibetan protest against China… inside your country. Thanking you. 

One Dream, One World, Free Tibet!  And Long Live HHDL. 

With a big request, your student


To: My Excellent and Wise Student,
We are listening to the news each day and are very sad to hear about the problems in Tibet and in Dharamsala.  I have a sign on the back of my car that says, "Support Tibet."  We think of all of you and of all of your families and friends.  We hope you are all well and that you stay healthy. 
However, - - you know, that China is a very powerful country and there will be no immediate change in how they recognize Tibet.  The things that you and all Tibetans do to make the world aware of the injustice is good.  Everyone must know and remember the injustice.  We should never forget and we should not let China lie to the world.  The things that you do to keep the world aware are important and will result in change - - someday, - - but NOT today!  You are wise and you know that change will NOT be soon.  Many people and many countries support Tibet, but you must know that no one will rise up in support of Tibet against China - - today.  Many people in China are also very unhappy about the injustice, - - but they too will not rise up - - today. 
As you and your friends help us remember, please, do not do anything foolish.  I was a soldier and I fought in a war in Viet Nam.  I learned that it is too easy for people to die for an idea.  Many foolish people and many cowards can do that.  It is much more difficult to learn how to live for an idea and to make it grow.  I believe this is the wisdom of His Holiness the Dalai Lama as well!
The MOST IMPORTANT THINGS that you and other Tibetans do for Tibet are to WORK, LEARN and TEACH.  It takes more wisdom and more courage to work for an idea in the long term than to die for an idea today.
Tibet is so very important!  It must live and survive and be a part of a better understanding of all people in the world.  But, Tibet IS NOT earth, mountains, buildings, and borders.  Tibet is a people with a language and a history and a philosophy that is unique and valuable to the whole world.  You say to me "Free Tibet."  I ask you to free yourself from small ideas that tie Tibet to a place and to borders that China has violated.  Tibet is not a place.  Tibet is a people.  Tibet is not a problem to be corrected.  Tibet is a possibility of peace and love. 
For Tibet to survive, Tibetans must be engaged in the world to help us all learn about whom we are and who we can become.  For Tibet to survive, it must be as a people with a culture that is compelling and shared.  For Tibet to survive, it may not be as a place, even if that beautiful place is sometime recovered in the future for Tibetans.  For Tibet to survive, it will be because the beautiful wise people of Tibet see beyond the impermanence of place to possibilities for their people.
As you help us all remember the Tibet of the past and the injustice of China, I urge you and your friends to stay focused on the Tibet of the future.  We must all WORK and LEARN and TEACH.  Tibet is so much more than a place.  Tibet is an idea that we must celebrate and bring to the world.  Please, help us all focus on this future.

I thank you for bringing Tibetan culture to my life.  Your changes & growth can help us achieve "one world."

With regard, your teacher and your student

Link to a NY Times Article:  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/22/opinion/22french.html?ex=1363924800&en=17894010eb93d018&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink

Video from a student we know in Dharmasala: www.beijingwideopen.org

International Campaign for Tibet:www.savetibet.org


Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008
From: Tibetan student

Dear Teacher,

Tashi Delek!  How have you been?  I am fine here.  Please don’t worry about me.  As you have heard, we had massive protest against Chinese rule in all parts of Tibet.  During this unrest & Tibetan protest inside Tibet, around 20 Tibetans were Killed by Chinese troops in Amdo Ngawa.  We still don’t know the exact number of Tibetans killed by Chinese troops in that recent Tibetan protest.  My cousin Lhundup Tso was one of the victims among 20 Tibetans killed in my home town of Amdo Ngawa.

I deeply felt a sense of sadness and anger as soon as I heard about the killing of my cousin/sister and other Tibetans, including schoolchildren.  I tried my best to control my disturbed state of mind as they had died for a good cause, since I have a responsibility as a Tibetan and for the sake of Tibetans inside Tibet.  I prayed with all of my heart for their safety and good rebirth. 

In the past week I led  a group of more than 20 Tibetans from Amdo Ngawa on the 16th of this month: that evening I gave a public speech to a gathering of around 3 thousand people at our temple on the event that took place in Amdo Ngawa.  At the end of my speech I also gave an interview to Rebecca Novick of the Tibet connection organization.

Following that we gathered in formations and pictures of the Tibetan protest inside Tibet and sent translations of the information in different languages to Tibetan organizations including BBC and CNN.  I had given many interviews on the urgent situation in Tibet to BBC, SNN, SFT and to many other news sources because of my cousin/sister. 

Presently, I am compiling notes on the Tibetan protest of my home town.  Due to such reasons I am not sure I can go to south India in time.  Here in Dharamsala, since 10th of March, all the Tibetan shops and institutes are closed.  We are strongly involved in doing protests, hunger strikes and candlelight marches. At such an woeful and urgent period of time, my mind gets distracted and I remember my beloved mother and affectionate friends like you.  As I am young, I can tolerate whatever difficulties I might face.  Please don’t worry about me.

With love, your student   




as for myself, i will just boycott every brand sponsoring the upcomming olympic in china for 2-3 months or as long as i want to.

i know it can not make a change, and it will be a lot of brand i will refuse to buy, but i can live with out those brand if i want to. and
i just too sick of all the talking by people who do only talk. i don't want any part of my money to be in that game hosted by that country that is all.

  passingby Mar 21, 2008 2:46 PM


Thanks for your thoughts & support!

I will do the same!

  annanderson Mar 25, 2008 10:46 AM


"it is too easy for people to die for an idea" Do you really want "Tibet free"? even you kown many people will die for it.i think you will be never die for you idea,but someone will.the thing has happaned that the tibet was under the rules of china ,i think it will be very hard to chang it . besides,what you want tibet be? To be america? power ande rich?
And i also think we shoud not boycott the upcomming olympics,it is something deparate from your idea and tibet freedom.its just a sport meeting ,no war,no politics.it is not "you chance"
i just want you konw, many tibetens want "tibet free",but also many of them just want living better.
And i think anyone shoudnot die for anyideas .

  llh Mar 30, 2008 3:25 PM


Yes, maybe we should not boycott the Olympics - as that is an opportunity to see the BEST in others! I agree that no one should die to free Tibet. Tibetans are needed to teach us and help us understand. As stated above, Tibet is much, much more than just a place. Tibet is a rich and wonderful culture with beautiful people and ideas/values that we must celebrate and share with the world. We need to help everyone stay safe and focus on the future.

  annanderson Mar 31, 2008 2:20 AM

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