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Did you say abseiling?

NEPAL | Wednesday, 31 October 2007 | Views [2701] | Comments [4]

Ann - definitely going over the EDGE!!!!

Ann - definitely going over the EDGE!!!!

Actually, scared was just the beginning...I get to TERRIFIED later!  I can now (Wed.  afternoon – in Kathmandu) calmly recount the details of the events of our days at "The Last Resort" while sitting at a safe internet center, but it felt like it was almost my last days at the Last Resort! 

Before I tell you about the events of our/my GREAT adventure at the Last Resort that happened several days ago…I will digress a bit, as it is difficult for me even thinking about how to best tell my rafting story...)

Kirst & I have just visited the top of a mountain – the village of Nagarkot (about 1 1/2 hrs from Kathmandu, by taxi) yesterday to see the Himalayan mountain range. 

We have had a great little snack at the “View Point Hotel/Restaurant, rested in our cozy room with huge quilt-like blankets (no heating) overlooking the valley.  We also went for a walk, had Nepalese tea outside looking at the mist rolling in…then headed back up the hill to eat their specialty of chicken with yak cheese in the middle - delicious!  Really!  Water “buff” (buffalo) is another favorite!

Kirst & I were then up at 5:30am the next morning to see the sunrise as it came up to the right of this majestic chain of mountains!  We did see a few of the peaks, but couldn't make out Mt. Everest - too hazy - a combination of clouds & air pollution!  After Kirst conversed with several Japanese men (in Japanese, of course) who were taking in the views as well, we had a delicious breakfast of toast, tea, eggs & potatoes while overlooking the incredible views of the rice terraces below.

SO…, back to The Last Resort story! 

Last Wed, 10/24, 5:45am, Kirst & I met about 30 others at the Ultimate Adventures office to pile our packs on top of this very funky/shabby bus.  We journeyed the chaotic streets of Kathmandu for about an hour before we reached the city's outskirts and then up into the twisting, turning, very narrow road to The Last Resort, 100km from the city.  After climbing a few sets of metal stairs, we reached the metal suspension bridge (about 2 blocks long), which is 160 meters above the Bhoti Kosi river, and 12 km from the Tibet border.  This is also a famous spot where the bungee jumpers jump!  We were shown our 1 light bulb, large, very sturdy 2-person tent and settled into camp life! 

They have a nice bar & low-table/pillow sitting area for drinking tea, coffees, snacks.  Lunch is buffet style that was fabulous - salads, chicken, potatoes, etc.  We loved the food!  Perfect time to read, relax, & write postcards.

Kirst & I were just settling in for a nice 2 days of relaxation before rafting, when the manager casually asked her what activity we were doing the next day.  Having nothing planned, he asked if we wanted to do ‘canyoning?’  I had no idea what that was, so the guide, Biswa, a short, cute, personable fellow came over to talk to us about what is was like – repelling, abseiling, harnesses, drop-offs, 7 waterfalls – the longest was 45 meters long, etc.  I thought, well…sounds like fun! 

It did make me jittery just hearing him talk, but he was such a kind, patient, encouraging (not pushy) skillful sounding kind of guy, I seriously considered!  Given that I am always cold & we would be repelling down backwards - over, into & thru 7 cold water falls, he said that, before I decided, he would see if the weather was sunny in the morning.  He would then check to see what I had decided.  He also said that he would help me AND if I didn't like it after the first waterfall, I could just climb back up the hill & stop.

SOoooo, the next morning, we harnessed up over wet-suits, fleece & a dry jacket!  By a LEAP-of-FAITH, I allowed him to lower me down over the first cliff – which was pretty short, but we got the feeling of this 'canyoning' thing!  It was just three of us, a guy, Eli from Israel, Kirsten & I.  The next 6 waterfalls were a bit more challenging, however.  We each did our own ropes - lowering ourselves through the water, down slippery rocks, over vertical nothingness, trusting our harness, but for me it was total trust in Biswa.  He had me leaning out over the cliffs at a 90 degree angle, where I couldn't see what was below or how far it was to the bottom.  When I got in the wrong place, he would whistle & I would TRY to move to the right or left. 

However, sometimes their would be places where your feet would get stuck/caught in the rocks, but with Biswa's guidance from the top & the second guide watching me from below, I managed to do all 7 waterfalls without falling or ….breaking anything!  Well, I may have CRACKED a rib!  And I did bruise my butt when I misjudged the space & twisted around facing away from the wall - landing on my right side.  BUT… We made it down!  AND Kirsten also managed quite well while wearing really slippery sandals  - hard to keep a grip on mossy-slippery rocks!  But we have pictures to prove it!  WHAT a DAY!!!!  The hike back up out of the canyon was almost as tough, but we slept really well that night!

Friday, was our relaxing day – others were screaming….as they bungee jumped – but we were safely standing on the edge taking pictures!  We saw our friend, Eli jump into the canyon – he loved it & was planning the ‘bungee swing’ too!

Next - the rafting trip adventure!  Best left for when I have more time to write – maybe in Delhi? We fly there tomorrow - then Chuck gets there later tomorrow night – about 3am.  So…next chapter in a few days!

Tags: abseiling, adventures, nepal, rappelling, the last resort



our sdps server is down so I took this opportunity to check in on you. What a wownderful adventure you are on and I happened to learn about "cayoning" yesterday, last nite specifically, because they had a segment on Oregon Field Guide explaining and demonstrating...you are wonderfully crazy to have accomplished it. You keep going girl!!.

  ann lopez Nov 3, 2007 6:21 AM


Thanks Ann,
It was crazy & I think I broke a rib doing it, but it was rather exciting! Thanks for checking in! Kind of wish I was back SAFELY sitting in your chair - just quietly reviewing charts!

  annanderson Nov 8, 2007 3:25 PM


I am just printing this so Vern and I can share your moments together.....It makes me nervous just to think about what you endured! So grateful that you can tell of your experience--love to all Joanne

  joanne Grefsrud Nov 24, 2007 6:48 AM


Thanks for the comment Joanne - yes, I am glad to have gotten through the experience with only a bruised or fractured rib - now I hardly notice it!

The abseiling or repelling over a dry surface may be easier tho? May give it another shot if I build up my arm & shoulder muscles (or not?????)

  annanderson Nov 24, 2007 8:55 PM

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