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My Asia I fell in love with Cambodia in 2002. I am fortunate enough to now be able to enjoy regular trips. I hope you enjoy following me and that the information is useful to some!

Kampot our heart!

MYANMAR | Wednesday, 10 Jul 2013 | Views [830]

We had a lovely day in PP tearig around in the Tuk Tuk doing out shopping and then picked up by the ever chatty Dara in the car and off to Kampot!! Bruce has not been since Jan 2010 so was very pleased to arrive and settle and be back in our Cambodian ... Read more >

Mandalay to Phnom Penh

MYANMAR | Monday, 8 Jul 2013 | Views [866]

We traveled today from Mandalay to Bangkoks Don Muang Airport onto the Shuttle bus and across town (traffic and rain, 1.5 hour) to the new International Airpot to catch our flight to Phnom Penh. We had all our flights with Air Asia but unfortunetely ... Read more >

Mandalay Day two

MYANMAR | Sunday, 7 Jul 2013 | Views [479]

Today we head out of town to see some sights. There is certainly mroe to see outside of the city than within it. Sagaings temple studded hills and golden tipped stupa's edging out of the greenery were just stunning, viewed nicely from the Soon ... Read more >


MYANMAR | Saturday, 6 Jul 2013 | Views [722]

Safely arrive in Mandalay at the hugest, emptiest, barest Airport i have ever been too! Quiet like a ghost building! Taxi in to town. Be careful with the Airport taxi's they charged us for a share taxi, we had no choice they told us and then ... Read more >

The death of our camera's on the way to Sankar!

MYANMAR | Thursday, 4 Jul 2013 | Views [981]

Up and at em and in the boat with Ross and Robyn to head to Sankar, this is a trip that takes in crossing the main part of Lake Inle and then through the canals into the outter lake, visits to this area have only been permitted since 2003 and can only ... Read more >

Tags: boats

Nyaungshwe at Lake Inle

MYANMAR | Thursday, 4 Jul 2013 | Views [568]

I loved this town of Nyaungshwe, Bruce instantly rated it "a shit hole"! It's a dusty, crappy town admittedly but I still loved the vibe of it.  Day one we arrived at the gorgeous View Point Lodge, right on the edge of town and looking over a ... Read more >

Bagan, Bargan, Bogan - whatever, we loved you.

MYANMAR | Thursday, 4 Jul 2013 | Views [1227]

Arrived bright and early in Bagan on Air Mandalay and l will do a separate storey on internal flights in this country.  Decided to taxi it in a car to the temples, other options are horse and cart and push bikes. I was pleased with this choice ... Read more >

Bye bye Yangon

MYANMAR | Friday, 28 Jun 2013 | Views [836]

Yangon has been not what we expected, not sure what we expected ( a few more palm trees) but it was'nt this gridlocked, trying to be modern but still wearing longi's city! So many contrasts and clashes.  The area we stayed in was out of the main ... Read more >

Lets go to Bago

MYANMAR | Friday, 28 Jun 2013 | Views [563]

Bago is a former capital and is a great day trip from Yangon out into the country. About 45 minutes out and we hit motorbikes! There are no bikes allowed in Yangoon. We also stop at an Allied War Memorail and cemetary which has the ashes and bodies of ... Read more >

Le Planteurs Yangon

MYANMAR | Wednesday, 26 Jun 2013 | Views [971]

Our dining experience tonight was something else! Talk about those contrasts! From eating in the street on little plastic stools with the kids to being picked up in a little red and white British old car and driven to a gorgeous colonial home which is ... Read more >

Photos: Myanmar

MYANMAR | Tuesday, 25 Jun 2013 | Photo Gallery

On the road to Mandalay
See all 4 photos >>


MYANMAR | Tuesday, 25 Jun 2013 | Views [544] | Comments [1]

Arrived in Yangon perfectly on time, thank you Air Asia once again. Yangon Airport was like a library so big and quiet , through and out with no problems and into a taxi (7000 Kyat) to Classique Inn. The Guest House is in the quiet embassy area and there ... Read more >

"The Road to Mandalay"

MYANMAR | Monday, 10 Jun 2013 | Views [812]

We will be on the Road to Mandalay in a few days, departing Oz on the 23rd of June 2013. This trip has been in my head for many years and am getting excited that its about to eventuate, we are only doing the Four big towns, Yangon, Bagan, Lake Inle and ... Read more >

Phnom PenhRoyal and then home!

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 6 Oct 2012 | Views [476]

A lunch time drive back to PP, no Dara this time but a very capable driver, no english was spoken so l dose all the way!  I'm staying at the Mekong Boutique Hotel this time, a gorgeous place with only 14 rooms near the Pencil Supermarket.... Read more >

Kampot - AGAIN!!

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 3 Oct 2012 | Views [762]

Directly to Kampot with Dara, the second best driver in Cambodia (Sameth being the first), he hcatted all the way and was a lvoely trip. To the Riki and a big hug from Denise, Bory and the gang! Yay l am home! I see Dom the nest day, btu sadly he is ... Read more >

Chiang Mai to Bangkok to Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Monday, 1 Oct 2012 | Views [389]

I had booked months ago the flight from Chiang Mai through to Phnom Penh with Bangkok airlines. It was certainly the most direct and easiest way to do the trip even though it cost me over $300 Aust!!!  Tuk Tuk out to the Airport and easy check ... Read more >

Old city Walls of Chiang Mai

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 | Views [535]

Today l have decided to walk the entire city walls, take in the huge gates and see what l see!  Pats Klang Viang is in such  a handy location and its only a short walk to the end of Phara Pokklao and along Bambrung Buri, the Chiang Mai gate ... Read more >

Lila Thai Massage

THAILAND | Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 | Views [879]

Finally l have found THE place! After having my spine most certainly damaged by the elbows of Mrs Eeee and her buddies earlier in the week, and walking down some streets on my way to the night market where no one offers me a massage!  They are clearly ... Read more >

Shopping in Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 | Views [499]

Before l left home l made a list of all the places l was hoping that l would get to.  Think I've done that list proud!  Night Bazaar , have been up to the night market two nights now, and have hardly bought a thing other than my dinner! ... Read more >

Doi Inthananon National Park

THAILAND | Saturday, 29 Sep 2012 | Views [1067]

Booked a day trip to Thailands highest peak. The cost was 1000 baht, which included lunch and a Few stops as well. I think you can book this at any of the hundreds of agents along the streets and they phone through to someone and you are on a mini ... Read more >

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