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He only went out for some milk A blurb of monstrous proportions - it was only supposed to be a couple of lines and the odd photo.

Battambang to Phnom Penh to Kampot

you would think i'd have learnt to focus when taking a picture...grrr

They are doing the typical(and annoying) Asian pose (except James the git)

lets see: from left clockwise, swiss guy, James an English guy with Aus accent, German guy?, Ruth and Katie? from England, Jenny from England.

CAMBODIA | Friday, 2 March 2007 | Views [714] | Comments [1]

you would think i'd have learnt to focus when taking a picture...grrr They are doing the typical(and annoying) Asian pose (except James the git) lets see: from left clockwise, swiss guy, James an English guy with Aus accent, German guy?, Ruth and Katie? from England, Jenny from England.



close up of girl in pink top please. shane: dirty sod :), yeah that's Jenny - a nice girl i will have you know

  craig Mar 3, 2007 12:33 AM

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